Radical media, politics and culture.


Anonymous Comrade writes:

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

North American General Assembly

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Sept. 3-6, 2004
The City of Edmonton is celebrating its Centenary this year, and the IWW celebrates our struggle to win workers rights in this City since a branch was first formed here 90 years ago.

We are proud to host this years IWW General Assembly, and celebrate the IWW's 99th Anniversery since it's founding in Chicago in 1905.

Anonymous Comrade writes "The French Marxist intellectual Etienne Balibar has written an article in Le Monde Diplomatique that is only availabe to subscribers. I'd love to read his article - is it possible you get a copy and can post it on the site?

The webpage is here, but it's only available to subscribers:


New York Witchcamp

September 11th-18th, 2004, Copake, NY

Camp Theme: Eleusinian Mysteries


For over a thousand years, the ancient mysteries of Demeter and Persephone were practiced in the Greek city of Eleusis. The Eleusinian Mysteries were once considered so potent, that the fate of the entire world depended on them. We will spend a week in the Berkshires of New York exploring these ancient mysteries and how they inter-relate with our lives, the state of the world and the cycles of nature.

"Under Fire" Symposium

Rotterdam, May 29, 2004

A Critical Forum on the Organization and Representation of Violence

Organized by Jordan Crandall

Location: Witte de With, Rotterdam, and online at v2.nl

Witte de With organizes in collaboration with V2_Organisation, Institute for the Unstable Media a symposium focusing on the issues debated in the Under Fire forum from January 25 till April 29, 2004.

The main speakers are John Armitage, Asef Bayat, Susan Buck-Morss, Brian Holmes, Gema Martín Muñoz and Loretta Napoleoni.

"Occupation: Wrong in Iraq, Wrong in Palestine"

United For Peace and Justice, New York City, June 5-11, 2004

On June 5-11, join with United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) and UFPJ member coalition US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation in a national week of action to demand that our government end its military, economic, and diplomatic support for Israel’s illegal military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.

Renewing the Anarchist Tradition:

A Scholarly Conference

September 24-26, 2004, Plainfield, Vermont

Call for Proposals/Logistical Details

The Renewing the Anarchist Tradition (RAT) conference,
cosponsored by the Institute for Anarchist Studies and
Institute for Social Ecology, aims to provide a
scholarly space in which to both reexamine and
reinvigorate the social and political tradition of

New York City Session of the World Tribunal on Iraq

Cooper Union, Great Hall, Saturday, May 8, 2004

7 East 7th Street at 3rd Av, NYC

ALL DAY — Starts 10:00 a.m., [doors open 9:30 a.m.]
FREE — donations welcome

Web: www.worldtribunal-nyc.org

Email: info@worldtribunal-nyc.org

Bombs have been dropped and lives shattered. Much of Iraq lies in ruins,
smashed, looted and then occupied by a hostile and unwanted invasion force.
In the face of the human suffering caused by the war on Iraq we must act
now against the crime of silence and impunity to write a counter-history.

"John Chapman's Harvest"

Jordan Zinovich, Radio BION

Autonomedia editor Jordan Zinovich has written a radio play loosely based on the life of American icon Johnny "Appleseed" Chapman.

"John Chapman's Harvest" is a picaresque scramble through the mind of Chapman's 21st century avatar.  Written as a four-voice radio play — with the Narratrix creating the world, Mercury providing itineraries, and Pomona as nurturing divinity — Chapman moves from the Rocky Mountains to Amsterdam to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, with stops on the barricades at Quebec City and at the lost anarchist utopia of Fools' Paradise.  En route he surveils 18 extraordinary varieties of heritage apple in a search for knowledge and satisfaction.

"John Chapman's Harvest" will be broadcast on BION Radio, a community radio micro-casting project in Bushwick, Brooklyn, run by the transmission arts organization Free103point9.

The show will air at 7 pm EDT on May 6, and will be web-cast at www.free103point9.org

"(as if) beauty never ends..." and Other Video Works

Jayce Salloum, New York City, May 8, 2004

Jayce Salloum will present his "untitled" project, an ongoing videotape addressing social and political realities, representations, enunciations, and the conditions of living between polarities of culture, geography, history, and ideology. In part 1: "everything and nothing" (1999-2001, 40 mins.), Salloum, off-camera, talks with Soha Bechara, the ex-Lebanese National Resistance fighter who was detained for 10 years in the notorious El-Khiam torture and interrogation center in South Lebanon. In a riveting and intimate conversation, Salloum inquires about home, being interviewed to death, resistance, survival, and the distance between Paris, where Bechara now lives, and Khiam.

In part 2: "beauty and the east" (1999–2002, 50 mins.), Salloum turns obliquely to the former Yugoslavia after the NATO bombing. In a kaleidoscope of interviews, refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, and cultural producers address topics ranging from identity and fascism to nationalism and monsters. In both anecdotal and theoretical recountings, they lay out the issues currently at stake in this region of displacement and redefinition; their words are located within images of cities and landscapes.

Also shown will be part 3: "(as if) beauty never ends..." (2003, 11 mins.), in which ambient footage including a montage of orchids blooming and material from the site of the 1982 massacres at Lebanon's Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps are juxtaposed with the voice Abdel Majid Fadl Ali Hassan (a 1948 refugee living in Bourg El Barajneh) recounting a story told by the rubble of his home in Palestine. The tape permeates into an essay on dystopia in contemporary times, and provides an elegiac response to the Palestinian dispossession.

North East Mutual Aid Gathering

New York City, May 7-9, 2004

Please contact us as soon as possible if you plan on coming (and thanks to
those who already have!). When you rsvp let us know if you need childcare
or sleeping accommodations. We can’t guaruntee anything to those who don’t
register by May 1, but we sure will try!


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