Radical media, politics and culture.


Film Screening, Talk & Benefit for the Critical Art Ensemble

Organized by Autonomedia and Marianne Shaneen

Sunday October 3, 2004 at 7pm — Price: $6

Ocularis at: Galapagos Art & Performance Space

70 North 6th Street (between Wythe and Kent)

Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY 11211

nearest subway: Bedford Ave L Train

venue tel/fax: 718-388-8713


Manual DeLanda, the Critical Art Ensemble, Keith Sanborn,
Peggy Ahwesh, Eli Elliott, Dara Greenwald, Eric Henry, Rachel Mayeri,
and the United States Dept of Defense


Jim Costanzo, Greg Sholette, Keith Sanborn, and John Henry

RNC Arrestees Meeting w/NLG and PLC

Mon., 9/27/04, 7:00 pm, NYC Law School

Furman Hall, Room 216

245 Sullivan Street (at W. 3rd Street)

(Defendants' meeting with People's Law Collective to follow in the same room)

At this meeting you can ask general questions of lawyers from the National
Lawyers Guild about:

Status of criminal cases, and

How to be part of civil lawsuits regarding issues such as:

*Unlawful arrests

*Denial of access to attorneys

*Excessive use of force

*Mass preventive arrests

*Conditions at Pier 57

*Excessive detentions

"The Living Thought of Gilles Deleuze" Conference

University of Copenhagen, Denmark, November 3-4, 2005

One of the prominent themes in the writings of Gilles Deleuze is an
understanding of thinking as being alive. Thinking is conceived as an
affirmation of life, and life itself is affirmed by thinking as something
that is alive. In other words, the relationship between life and thinking
is an affirmative relationship, in which life is affirmed by thinking and
thinking affirmed by life. The notion of the double affirmation in
Nietzsche et la philosophie (1962) is revolving around such an affirmative
relationship between life and thinking.

Massachusetts Democracy School

Peter Kellman, Mary Zepernick and Adam Sacks

Boston, October 1–3, 2004

The POCLAD-inspired Center for Democracy & the Constitution is hosting a Democracy School at Boston College the first weekend in October.

Democracy School is a stimulating and illuminating course that teaches citizens and activists how to reframe exhausting and often discouraging single issue work (such as opposing toxic dumps, quarries, factory
farms, etc.) in a way that we can confront corporate control on a powerful single front: people's constitutional rights.

"Assessing the RNC Protests"

Open Community Discussion with Francesca Fiorentini, Gabriel Sayegh, Hany Khalil, Nana Soul, a Still We
Rise representative & Others

Wednesday, October 20, 7:30 pm

Brecht Forum (122 West 27th Street -10th floor)

You are invited to share your thoughts in an open and open-ended
discussion post- Republican National Convention to assess the mobilization
itself as well as the bigger picture relating to movement building and
left strategies here in the U.S. During the RNC protests we saw an amazing
breadth of participation on a full spectrum of issues and in a wide
variety of forms — labor/healthcare, global justice activists, peace
coalitions, alternative media, women, conferences and teach-ins, theater
and the arts, and the list goes on. We saw new structures and processes
arise — the RNC clearinghouse, the NY Uniting left strategy retreat, for
example — new kinds of solidarity, networks of coalitions, and new
relationships built across issues and tendencies and between local and
national mobilizations.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

"Books Against Borders"
St. Louis Independent Bookfair
Saturday, October 2, 2004, 10am-5pm

St. Louis, Missouri
3664 Arsenal St.


An open invitation...
to an all-day celebration and exhibition (a bookfair!) of independent and alternative publishers and distributors. The day will be anchored by tablers from dozens of North American publishers and distributors. Such notables as Left Bank Books, Charles H. Kerr Publishing Co., Third World Press, Arsenal Magazine, Mama Specific Productions, the Denver Zine Library, and Midwest Books to Prisoners will be on hand. Come and check out independently produced books, zines, journals, newspapers, comics, poetry, and pamphlets that are all too elusive to be found in the mammoth chain bookstores that litter our landscape.

"The Dromocratic Condition" Conference:

Contemporary Cultures of Acceleration

University of Newcastle upon Tyne, March 12–13, 2005

Theories of contemporary culture have foregrounded the significance of 'late
capitalism' or 'post-Fordism' (Jameson; Harvey); simulation and
'hyper-reality' (Baudrillard); information technology and the 'inhuman'
(Lyotard); the 'panopticon' (Foucault); 'communicative action' (Habermas);
'desiring-production' and schizophrenia (Deleuze and Guattari); risk (Ulrich
Beck); and the cyborg (Haraway).

An alternative theorisation — which intersects with these perspectives, but
diverges from them — views acceleration as the defining feature of the
contemporary era. The French cultural theorist Paul Virilio has coined the
term 'dromocracy' (from the Greek dromos: avenue or race course) to
characterise this position. Under Virilio's 'dromocratic' reading of
history, scientific, technological, societal, military, and cultural change
is propelled by the pursuit of ever-increasing speed. Our own era — with its
fibre-optic cables, satellite-linked communications networks, supersonic
aircraft, and cruise missiles — is, Virilio suggests, approaching the limits
of acceleration, and teeters on the edge of the 'integral accident' - the
true end of modernity.

Parallax View: The Political Economy of Images

Cinematexas, Austin TX, September 24, 25, 26, 2004

All events are free

Sundays Schedule now includes a marine recently returned from fighting in Iraq who is a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War

Venue: The Warehouse at American Youthworks, 216 E. 4th St (between Brazos St. and San Jacinto Blvd.).

Friday 24th

Up Shit Creek

6:30-7:00 Obstacle (excerpt).

Directed by Nida Sinnokrot.

English and Arabic. 30 minutes

Obstacle journeys along the Israeli wall currently being built inside the West Bank in Palestine. The wall has been carefully designed to annex much of the West Banks water and most of its good land.

7:00-8:30pm Bi Dam (With Blood)

English and Arabic. 50 minutes

Directed by Juliana Fredman & Dan O'Reilly-Rowe.
Bi Dam reveals the extent to which the Israeli occupation is sundering Palestinian health services. Densely populated areas are routinely ‘closed’ to patients traveling for treatment, ambulances have been attacked and water polluted, [ergo up shit creek]. Dan O’Reilly-Rowe will be available to answer questions after the screening.

Shut Down the School of Assassins!

Fort Benning, Georgia, Nov. 19–21, 2004

The School of the Americas (SOA), renamed the Western
Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation or
WHINSEC, is a combat training school for Latin American
security personnel located at Fort Benning, Georgia.

Initially established in Panama in 1946, the SOA was
kicked out of that country in 1984 under the terms of
the Panama Canal Treaty. Former Panamanian President
Jorge Illueca stated that the School of the Americas
was the "biggest base for destabilization in Latin
America." The SOA/WHINSEC, funded by US taxpayer money,
has trained over 60,000 Latin American soldiers in such
courses as counterinsurgency techniques, sniper
training, commando and psychological warfare, military
intelligence and interrogation tactics.

philly_ara@yahoo.com writes:

Pennsylvania Nazis Protest

September 25th, 2004

Valley Forge National Battlefield, Valley Forge, PA

With the Bush administration firmly entrenched in power, true fascists —
an assortment of neo-Nazi and other far-right groups — are no longer
afraid to organize publicly, far from their home base of support. The
National Socialist Movement (NSM) is planning a large public demonstration
on September 25th in Valley Forge, PA. The NSM, who refer to themselves as
America's Nazi Party, feel no need to hide in their homes in Minnesota,
and have instead chosen a location on the East Coast less than half an
hour from the very multi-racial and multi-cultural City of Philadelphia.
We in Anti-Racist Action are planning a counter-demonstration to oppose
these fascists, and are inviting all those who believe in freedom and
equality to join us in sending the NSM a strong message that fascist scum
are not welcome in Pennsylvania!


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