Radical media, politics and culture.


molizzard writes:

"On Political Hope and Persistence"

New York City, September 19–20, 2004

Peace Action of New York, the Nation, CUNY Granduate Center and All Souls Unitarian Church Peace Task Force are sponsoring 2 days of conversations on Political Hope and Persistence.

The conversations will be moderated by Paul Loeb, author of Soul of a Citizen and The Impossible Will Take a Little While, Hope in a Time of Fear.

Sunday, September 19, 1:00 - 3:30 pm

CUNY Graduate Center Auditorium, 365 5th Ave., NYC

Speakers: Mary Catherine Bateson, anthropologist and author of Composing a Life; Bill McKibben, author of Hope, Human and Wild; Martin Espada, poet and author of Imagine the Angels of Bread and Jack DuVall, producer of public broadcasting series A Force More Powerful.

Monday, September 20, 7:30 - 9:30 pm

All Souls Unitarian Church Sanctuary, 80th St. and Lexington Ave. NYC

Speakers: Joe Trippi, former Dean campaign manager and author of The Revolution Will Not Be Televised; Susan Griffin, feminist and author of Women and Nature; Walter Wink, religious scholar and author of Engaging the Powers and Kadiatou Diallo, mother of Amadou Diallo and author of My Heart Will Cross this Ocean.

Suggested Donation: $10 per event ($5 low income), $15 both events ($8 low income)

Reservations 212-817-8215

Anonymous Comrade writes:

Call for Autonomous Spaces During the European Social Forum
London, October 14–17, 2004

We are a loose network of individuals, groups, organisations and grass roots communities and who act, think and struggle for another world beyond capitalism. We write this call to those in the UK, the rest of Europe and those further afield to participate in building alternative autonomous spaces around the European Social Forum, which will be held in London during October (14–17th) 2004.

AFurtherBunny writes
Dissension Convention

A Transatlantic Collaborative Multimedia Protest Jam

29th August- 2nd September 2004


Coinciding with the Republican Convention in New York, 10 pairs of net/digital artists, from the Americas and Europe, will create live, online multimedia performances with a focus on how Bush negatively influences every locality around the world with his bullshit.

"Life After Capitalism" Conference
New York City, August 20-22, 2004

The protests around the Republican National Convention taking place in New
York City later this summer are shaping up to be perhaps the largest this
country has ever seen. As folks from all over the United States have
started booking their flights, organizing their local communities into
busses and vans, and collecting that last bit of gas money from in between
the pillows of their couches — organizers are quietly discussing the
possibility of having over 1 million people converging in the streets of
New York City during the week of Aug 28th-September 2nd....

"Life After Capitalism" Conference

New York City, August 20-22, 2004


The protests around the Republican National Convention taking place in New
York City later this summer are shaping up to be perhaps the largest this
country has ever seen.

As folks from all over the United States have
started booking their flights, organizing their local communities into
busses and vans, and collecting that last bit of gas money from in between
the pillows of their couches — organizers are quietly discussing the
possibility of having over 1 million people converging in the streets of
New York City during the week of Aug 28th-September 2nd....

North American Anarchist Convergence

August 12-15th, 2004, Athens, Ohio USA


A weekend of community-focused discussions on freedom, prosperity,
and responsible society.

NewNation Celebration Against RNC

New York City, July 24, 2004

Twelve hours of celebration and sedition,
libation and liberation, in the midst of
bliss and blasphemy we declare our
independence and build our newnation.

From 6pm to 6am, July 24th we will reclaim
the broken banks of Brooklyn. Hosted at
10 Jay St. in Dumbo, we have 60,000sqft of
outdoor space nestled against the East River
and 13,000sqft of brick caverns split into
several rooms of sound, performance and
spontaneous acts.

Anarsistanbul writes:

"Istanbul: Aliens Against NATO Land at Beyoglu"

Police attacked anarchists. Photos here.

On June 16th aliens against NATO landed at Beyoglu, Istiklal Street that is one of the important places of “NATO valley” (where the NATO summit will take place. Tight measures are taken and many people’s identities and houses are investigated in detail in this region)


Anarsistanbul Calls Your Imagination To Aaction
Have you ever thought bombs dropping on your head while you are sitting at home peacefully? Or the soldiers experimenting the latest military technology on you while you are walking in the street?

Massacres like these happen every day, every moment, every where in the world. And the main actors of these massacres are meeting in Istanbul. The army of capitalism’s global dominance projects, NATO, global torturers and murderers will be in Istanbul on the 28-29th of June. They will gather to prepare a scenario of exploitation, massacre, humiliation, migration and ecological destruction. In the name of “war against terrorism”, they will try to spread their bloody plans all around our region and seize our lives.

We shall not let the torturer murderers' usurpation scenarios towards our region which they are planning to declare in Istanbul. They weren’t welcomed in Iraq, let’s show them they will not be welcomed in Istanbul too. Let’s show them that our region will be not the home of military bases of NATO but the home of the struggle of bread, justice and freedom!

Anonymous Comrade writes

Ben Morea on
Art and Anarchism

New York City, June 7, 2004

Monday, June 7th at 7pm at 16 Beaver in New York City: a dialogue with Ben Morea on
Art and Anarchism. Central participant in the legendary New York City anarchist action group Black Mask and Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers, Ben will talk about the past and present times. Space is limited. Please be prompt.


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