Radical media, politics and culture.


2004 Crossroads Cultural Studies Conference

Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, June 25-28, 2004

We are pleased to announce our that we are now processing registration requests for the Fifth International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, to be held at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, from June 25-28, 2004. The theme of the conference is “Policing the Crisis.” You may register online via the official conference website: Crossroads 2004

king4peace writes:

"Label Virtuel and the FIDH are producing a DVD showing the historical role of the Universal declaration of human rights and its impact today through the Global Party for a Human Planet.

It is a new campaign combining visual arts, music, multimedia and humanity in order to prevent and fight against a famine threatening 12 millions people in Ethiopia, with the ultimate aim of seeing "all human rights for all" applied.

All the proceeds of this DVD will go to Ethiopian human rights organizations.

Celebrating the release of this DVD , a concert will be organized in Ethiopia in Meskal Square, Addis Ababa's main square, and will be webcast live. This concert will be the occasion to bring in Ethiopia non Genetically modified seeds that are adapted to african soils, in partnership with Confederation Pyasanne.
Planet Generation Global Move

Billionaire Tea Time Social

Peacemarch Afterparty

New York, March 20, 2004 4PM - 8PM

We invite you to join the Billionaires, FEVA and other arts groups in
a peace march after-party.

The Billionaires secured a beautiful space to relax and enjoy good
music after the peace rally: a Turn-of-the-Century French (Freedom)
Ballroom on Broadway, an easy 10-15 minute walk from the Madison Park
rally. Take a break from workshops, rehearsals and meetings, have a
good time and meet your other compatriots.

Saturday March 20th 4-8p all ages welcome

[Arrive early to get in, or come later at 6p]

Uniting Women's Response Against Wars of Aggression & Globalization

A WAIL (Women's Anti-Imperialist League

Saturday, 27 March 2004, Brooklyn, New York


The Audre Lorde Project, 85 South Oxford St.

(bet. Fulton St. & Lafayette Ave.), Brooklyn, NYC

Space Limited. Please register by March 24: WAIL@gabnet.org or
1212.592.3507. See below for more registration info. Registration fee
(payable at the door): sliding scale: $5-15 (no one will be turned away
for lack of funds).
Dinner and Snacks provided. For more info or to volunteer: email
WAIL@gabnet.org call 1212.592.3507.

Program follows below.

NY News and Letters invites you to a series of seven classes on

Alternatives to Capitalism

Beginning Sunday, March 21, from 7:00-9:15 p.m.

Continuing every other Sunday

Special speaker March 21: Peter Hudis,
National Co-Organizer of News and Letters Committees
39 West 14th Street, Rm. 205 (ring bell #3, Identity House), Manhattan
north side of 14th St., between 5th and 6th Aves.; take any train to 14th St. or Union Square

Free admission; free and open discussion. Most readings can be purchased from us.

Call (212) 663-3631 for more information, or e-mail nandl and ask about
New York classes. You can visit our website at News and Letters

"All negation is determination; all determination is negation." -- Karl Marx, draft of Vol. II of Capital

News and Letters' 2003-2004 Perspectives state: What distinguishes a Marxist-Humanist response to imperialist war and terrorism is not just that we oppose both sides of the conflict, but that we take responsibility for projecting a vision of a new society that transcends capitalism...Marx's humanism remains for us the measure of any effort to create a new society. Standing for a new society does not simply mean being for practical struggles for a new society once they arise. Standing for a new society also means theoretically discerning the elements for creating a new society before such struggles arise.

March 20 Iraq Invasion Anniversary Protests Planned Worldwide

We are now eight days away from the one-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and organizing for the Global Day of Action has kicked into high gear. In addition to the major regional demonstration here in New York City, there are over 200 March 20 protests planned throughout the United States, plus demonstrations in more than 50 countries around the world.

The Public Broadcasting Series "American Experience" will screen a new biography called "Emma Goldman" on April 12, 2004.

American Experience

Syracuse Animal Rights writes:

"Animal Liberation Student Association Conference"
April 23-25, 2004 Syracuse, NY, USA

Hosted by Syracuse Animal Rights Organization and Center on Animal Liberation Affairs


Don’t forget to register for free!
To register visit: http://www.cala-online.org/Student_Association/reg ister.htm

The conference, spanning three days, will focus on social causes, tactics, education, analysis, actions, philosophy, and history of the Animal Liberation movement. Topics include: Politics of Culture; Building Bridges Between Academics and Activists; Animal Ethics; Pedagogy of a Rebel; Being a Former ALF Member; Feminist Imperatives and the ALF; Human Rights and Animal Rights: Solidarity with the ALF; and more. Presented in panel and discussion form, each topic will be discussed and examined to produce academic dialogue that will advance the movement. Gourmet Cruelty will present Delicacy of Despair, documenting a liberation of ducks on a foie gras farm. And, concluding the conference, a benefit show will be held Sunday night that will showcase bands that support Animal Liberation performing cover songs.

"The Event of War:

American Interventions in the 20th and 21st Centuries"

November 5-7, 2004, Emory University; Atlanta, GA

Keynote Speaker:

Robert Jay Lifton M. D., author of the Superpower Syndrome

Centuries of wars -- world wars, wars of liberation, civil wars,
religious wars, the Cold war -- the 20th century has raised urgent
questions concerning the adequacy of responding to aggression, the limits
of human action, the dangers of technological development, and the status
of the human. How can the humanities respond to the recent shifts in
interventionist policies that threaten the self-determination and
political stability of foreign nations? What responsibility do
intellectuals have in this context?

hydrarchist writes:

First International Gathering on Social Movements and Research

[Jornades Internacionals Moviments Social i Recerca]

The first "International Conference on Social Movements and Research"
(Jornades Internacionals Moviments Social i Recerca), was held at the end
of January 2004 in Barcelona. It brought two hundred participants from
various places around the world together, who are doing activist research
or who are interested into it. It was a space for various discussions on
the relation between research and social movements and it was ideal for
exchanging ideas and to create research networks. A network of activists,
students and researchers from Barcelona organised the meeting.


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