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"Occupation: Wrong in Iraq, Wrong in Palestine," New York City, June 5-11, 2004

"Occupation: Wrong in Iraq, Wrong in Palestine"

United For Peace and Justice, New York City, June 5-11, 2004

On June 5-11, join with United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) and UFPJ member coalition US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation in a national week of action to demand that our government end its military, economic, and diplomatic support for Israel’s illegal military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.OCCUPATION: WRONG IN IRAQ, WRONG IN PALESTINE

The lesson of Abu Ghraib isn’t that a few bad apples went awry, as Rumsfeld and Bush want us to believe. It’s that occupying other people’s countries inevitably requires brutal and dehumanizing means to try to make the occupied accept foreign control of their land and resources.

It is a fact that more than 3 million Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation have known for 37 years.

June 2004 marks the 37th anniversary of Israel’s illegal military occupation of Palestine’s West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. This occupation denies the Palestinian people the right to self-determination, fuels bloodshed, and prevents the establishment of a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians whereby both peoples can live in freedom, dignity, and security.

If occupation is wrong in Iraq, why would it be right in Palestine?


While it is Israel that directly occupies these Palestinian lands, it is our government that provides Israel the military, economic, and diplomatic support Israel depends on to sustain its military occupation. Israel is the largest recipient of U.S. financial aid in the world, receiving $7.7 million per day in direct U.S. aid. Washington views this support as central to U.S. efforts to dominate the Middle East for U.S. economic and military advantage.

Worse, Bush has given unqualified support to the illegal occupation policies of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. He has backed Sharon’s brutal military measures, extra-judicial assassinations, and apartheid-like wall snaking through the West Bank. In April Bush abandoned decades of formal U.S. policy and backed Sharon’s unilateral plans to keep Israel’s colonial settlements built on occupied territory and reject Palestinian refugees’ right to return to the properties from which they were driven out by Israeli militias during the 1948 war.

Sharon’s policies trample on the human rights of Palestinians, violate international law, flaunt U.N. authority, and fuel the tragic cycle of violence between Palestinians and Israelis. But with a blank check from the U.S., Sharon faces few obstacles to pursuing his reckless dream of taking “as much of Palestine as possible with as few Palestinians as possible,” as Israeli scholar Ilan Pappe recently put it. Without that blank check, Sharon would feel pressured to end Israel’s occupation, remove the settlements, and negotiate a just Palestinian/Israeli peace.



It’s time for the U.S. to stop giving Israel a blank check for occupation. UFPJ is calling for June 5-11 to be a national week of action and education to expand public backing for ending US support for Israel's illegal military occupation. UFPJ formally called for these actions last December, but the deepening of the Bush/Sharon alliance makes them even more urgent. Here’s what you can do:

1) EDUCATE YOUR COMMUNITY. If you or your group hasn’t taken a position on or undertaken work for a just Palestinian/Israeli peace before, we encourage you to organize educational events for your group or community during the national week of action. For more information about Israel’s occupation and U.S. support for it, see the resources below.

2) ORGANIZE A PROTEST in your city or town. Let others know by posting your event on UFPJ’s on-line calendar. Be sure to cross-post at the US Campaign’s on-line calendar:


3) SIGN A PETITION TO CONGRESS. The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is seeking individual and organizational endorsements of its petition to end U.S. support for Israel’s occupation. The U.S. Campaign will deliver the petition to Members of Congress and the State Department during the US Campaign's grassroots advocacy day on Capitol Hill on June 7. The Campaign’s goal is to have 500 organizational endorsements and thousands of individual endorsements. To read and sign the petition, please see:


4) WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR or opinion article for your local newspaper demanding that the United States end its support for Israel’s illegal military occupation of Palestinian lands.


* For more information on Israel’s illegal occupation, its violations of international law, and the role of the United States in supporting them, please visit:



* Download the U.S. Campaign’s “Dual Occupations: If It’s Wrong in Palestine, Why is the U.S. Doing it in Iraq?” here and “Ending the Occupation: It’s the Law” here

* For information on UFPJ’s approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict, go here


www.unitedforpeace.org | 212-868-5545