Radical media, politics and culture.


¡MayDay!: Europrecarious and Flexworkers in Action

Precarious Workers European Meeting

Málaga, December 3-6, 2004

Life conditions in the neoliberal age are no longer conjugated in the
third person.

A galaxy of wage-earning work atypical figures has ceased to belong
exclusively to the "horror catalogues" of the labor relations´
devastation, of the social guarantees´ neoliberal breakdown. From the
exclusion statement they are passing through to the joyful passions of
affirmative resistance, to the exigency of guaranteing the conditions
in which the "new species" can combine its productive cooperation
power with new spaces for the public act and speech, with new freedom
conditions for everybody, against the concentration of the workfare
and forced flexibility universe that seems to be at the core of the
European Constitution project´s social doctrine.

First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, May 5-7, 2005

The First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry will take place at
the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, from May 5-7, 2005. The theme
of the First International Congress of Qualitative Research focuses on
"Qualitative Inquiry in a Time of Global Uncertainty." The mission of the
conference is to provide a forum for conversations on the interdisciplinary
implications of positivist legislation and academia for critical qualitative
scholarship especially in indigenous, border, feminist, race, queer, and
ethnic studies, and to build and expand the already robust tradition of
Qualitative Inquiry.

No Matter Who Is Elected,

Say No to War and Repression

Not In Our Name

November 2nd, 2004, 5–10pm Election Day

Union Square south, NYC

Instead of sitting in our homes feeling
powerless while the
election footage dominates the television, bring
constituency to Union Square where there will be
an opportunity for us to
come together to debate, watch resistance
footage and silent
election footage , discuss, hear spoken word
and DJ's will provide music.

We will be doing die-ins, face
painting, writing letters to GI
resisters in Iraq and interactive art.

New York City Social Forum

Oct. 28-30, 2004

The New York City Social Forum is this week! (Oct28-30).
Be sure to check out the schedule below and at www.nycsocialforum.org for more details on the sessions and participants.   

There is a sliding scale of $5/$10/$15 for entry to
the entire event, but we promise the NO ONE will be
turned away.

"The ESF Looks in the Mirror"

James Heartfield

Leftist Hilary Wainwright called the World Social Forum the 'people's UN'. But as the festival of the anti-capitalist movement developed it has fragmented along regional and now national lines, and lost its collegiate style and optimism. Gathering in London, the European Social Forum last weekend drew anti-globalization activists from many countries, but could not disguise the loss of momentum. A demonstration against the occupation of Iraq did follow, but the more lively actions were taken against the platform — when assorted 'Wombles' and anarchists sought to prevent first an Iraqi 'trade unionist' and then London Mayor Ken Livingstone from speaking. Across London, meetings were held with the title of 'Alternative Social Forum' or 'Beyond the Social Forum', before the London ESF had even begun.

International Symposium on Modernity and Contemporaneity
Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 4-6, 2004

A detailed schedule, with confirmed presenters (including Fredric
Jameson, Bruno Latour, Antonio Negri, Rosalind Krauss, and Boris Groys)
for the Pittsburgh symposium "Modernity and Contemporaneity," 4-6
November, is now posted at www.mc.pitt.edu. More details below.

Toronto Anarchist Bookfair

Oct. 23-24, 2004

Welcome Party Friday 22 Oct 2004
* Arriving in Toronto early?

* Visit Uprising Books and Infoshop, 6 Kensington Ave

* In Kensington Market, a fresh food marketplace

* Inexpensive places to eat and drink

Bookfair Saturday 23 Oct 2004

* From 10 am - 4 pm

* At the 519 Church St Community Centre

* Introductory workshops at 519 Church

* And above This Ain't The Rosedale Library, at 483 Church St

Ping Pong / Middlesex Declaration / dESFunctionality

Kernow Craig, Greenpepper Magazine

The events at the ESF around issues of precarity were interesting. I've
given a very brief overview of it all as I'm still a little fried by it
all, maybe others that attended can extrapolate on the following...

The initial events taking place within the official european social forum
on precarity was not attended by m/any of the non union groups organising
around this, leaving the 'official' discussions to what have been
described as the political undead. This event was largely seen by those
who withdrew as a photo opportunity for the italian unions to demonstrate
how they are putting this on the eurowide agenda.

"Collage as Cultural Practice"

Iowa City, March 24–26, 2004

Collage as Cultural Practice seeks to examine interventionist collage practices
in all media, with an emphasis on the social, political, and legal implications
of this method of appropriation. The conference, taking place March 24–26,
2005, at the University of Iowa, will interrogate the political and social
dimensions of collage as a practice that enables oppositional commentary across
the cultural spectrum: from the leftist collages of the Dadaists and the
Situationists to the unauthorized use of corporate trademarks, interventions by
queer activists, and the more recent flurry of Internet-distributed antiwar
video collage pieces that appropriate from the mainstream media in satirical

Not in Our Name NYC writes:

"No Matter Who Is Elected, WE SAY NO! to War and Repression!"
5pm Election Day, November 2, 2004
Union Square, New York City

Mark Your Calendar… Bring Friends & Join Us for a Community Gathering of Opposition to War & Repression! Come debate, discuss, hear spoken word & music. Bring your transistor radios, bring your friends, and your kids. Check out community organization tables. Participate in a mass die-in (representing those lost in this war on the world). Collectively read "Pledge of Resistance". Write a letter to a GI resister or a soldier in Iraq. Make plans w/others to continue building massive resistance to the agenda of war & repression.


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