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New York Witchcamp, Sept. 11-18, 2004

New York Witchcamp

September 11th-18th, 2004, Copake, NY

Camp Theme: Eleusinian Mysteries


For over a thousand years, the ancient mysteries of Demeter and Persephone were practiced in the Greek city of Eleusis. The Eleusinian Mysteries were once considered so potent, that the fate of the entire world depended on them. We will spend a week in the Berkshires of New York exploring these ancient mysteries and how they inter-relate with our lives, the state of the world and the cycles of nature.At the core of the mysteries is the myth of Demeter and her daughter Kore/Persephone. The maiden goddess is abducted by her uncle Lord Hades to be his bride, with the knowledge and consent of her father Zeus. Demeter's ordeal, as she searches, grieves and finally demands her daughter's return, is reenacted within the Mysteries. Persephone's path toward transformation is not revealed within the myth, it is hidden instead within the secret places of the Mysteries. The Eleusinian Mysteries provides a framework to comprehend life, death, celebration and renewal.


Camp Courses of Study


PRIESTESS TRAINING with Wilow Fire and Katrina Messenger


Are you ready to take the next step into becoming a leader, teacher and priestess? This path provides extensive training, mentoring and experiential practice in the art of priestessing. This is a path of service, power, presence and humility. We believe that teaching is one path of expression of many through which priestesses may serve, other paths include healers, organizers, artists, mystics, ritualists, activists, etc.


To qualify for admission, a camper must have attended at least 2 witchcamps and have taken on the responsibility of leadership within their life and community. Candidates can apply by sending a letter of inquiry to Katrina Messenger, c/o Ambereyes, PO Box 5223, Takoma Park, MD 20913. An application will be mailed to all applicants and must be returned by July 1st. Acceptance into this path will be confirmed by August 1st. This path is open to both women and men.



PROJECT TRILLIUM with Gwydion and Dawn Marlowe


The Trillium lily, native to North America, is found on the east coast, west coast, and wooded areas between. A sacred plant, it has been used medicinally by Native Americans for a variety of ailments. The leaves and flower petals occur in threes.


From this image an idea was born to create a three-year program, Project Trillium, at New York Witchcamp. This path will focus on teaching techniques, tools, and practices specific to the Reclaiming tradition, as well as the Feri tradition in which it is rooted.


Path content for the first year (2004) will include, but is not limited to, tools, practices, and concepts related to Ethereal Anatomy. We will also cover ritual and trance drumming. If you might be interested in this path, please bring small hand drums or a frame-drum, such as the Remo TAR. A limited number of extra drums will be available.


SACRED SEXUALITY with Todd Herriot and Laurel


What lies hidden in your own darkness? What seeds of soul are you willing to taste? What desires do you grieve the loss of?


Join us on a journey of Initiation, deep into the Mysteries of Desire. As Persephone explores the Dark realms of transformation we call upon our own ancient powers of Sacred Sexuality. We will dare to become the Beloved in the Sacred Marriage to Self. In a space of burdenless truth and fearless courage we will use dance and song, trance and touch, exploring, reclaiming and remembering the Mysteries of Sexual Desire.


The unique magic within each of us that breathes and flies, flows and burns, will be explored and celebrated in this path. Open to all who are Called, we ask that you bring a journal, an open heart and your deepest Self.



ELEMENTS OF MAGIC with Willow Kelly and Tara Cox


With the art of magic, we deepen our vision and focus our will, empowering ourselves to act in the world. In this path we begin the practice of Magic, Witchcraft, and Goddess spirituality in the Reclaiming Tradition by working with the Elements of Magic: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. Learn to draw power from the earth, air, fire and water, held by the land that surrounds us, deepening our connection to the web of life and to each other.


Techniques include: visualization, sensing and projecting energy, chanting, trance, creating magical space, spellcraft, and structuring ritual. Recommended for beginners, this path is also suitable for those wanting to deepen their connection to the elements and those wanting to teach elements in their home communities.

Recommended Reading: Please read the first six chapters of The Spiral Dance by Starhawk.



Join us for a weeklong intensive of magic, mystery and ritual. Allow the trance work, healing, drumming, dancing, chanting, storytelling, and energy to transform you. Journey into the heart of the mystery, guided by an ancient tale. Together we will build a loving container, within which a powerful, transformative energy builds through the week. Come make ritual. Dance and sing. Drum and trance. Share visions, dreams, healing, and fun. Come be part of the amazing spell that is Witchcamp.


Stir the Cauldron!


Come to Witchcamp, where women and men of all levels of experience engage in deep transformative magic. New to magic? You'll learn the basic skills of magic and ritual, elementals, movement, sound and myth within the Goddess Tradition. More experienced? You will deepen your craft, applying the tools of ritual to personal healing and empowerment, as well as taking the craft into the world. Come stew in the magic cauldron that is Witchcamp. Gaze into Mystery!


More Information and Online Registration available at wyldgoddess.com or call 347-293-4933