Radical media, politics and culture.


Mobtown Anti-Racist Action writes:

Anti-Fascist Bloc at March for Choice

Washington, DC, April 25, 2004

Anti-Racist Action is calling for a visible antifascist bloc on April 25th in Washington DC as part of the March For Women's Lives. The climate of fear engendered in this country by the Bush administration's military agression and assult on civil liberties has created an opportunity for the forces of the right wing to consolidate their power and work together to push through an agenda which is oppressive in many ways, one of the most visible today being the assault on sexual and reproductive freedom. This calls for nothing less than total resistance, and it is critical for anti-authoritarians to make our presence felt as part of this opposition.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

The documentary video “Dada Changed My Life” will play Anthology Film Archives on Monday, April 19th, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. The screening will be preceded by performances by Dada New York, and music by Rosateresa and Los Polones. (Anthology is at 32 Second Avenue in Manhattan, corner of East 2nd St.)

“Dada Changed My Life” is a documentary about the occupation of the building which housed the Cabaret Voltaire, birthplace of Dada in Zürich, Switzerland, 1916. This work details the two-month international effort by artists to rescue the Cabaret Voltaire which generated the most influential movement in contemporary art, 86 years after its founding, from transformation into luxury apartments and a pharmacy.

Alan Moore writes "Three Minutes to Midnight," Dr. Helen Caldicott speaks on the new nuclear danger in celebration of Earth Day at Wagner College Spiro Hall 2, Thursday, April 22 - 7-9 pm.
Admission free.
Event produced by Peace Action of Staten Island

A video screening on Wednesday, April 14 - 8 pm at the Muddy Cup coffeehouse of "If You Love This Planet," an academy award winning documentary of Dr. Caldicott, and the new film "Arsenal of Hypocrisy." This video screening honors Dr. Caldicott's visit to Staten Island.

Jay Bernstein writes:


Plenary Address to be presented by Richard Koenigsberg at Western Social Science Association’s 2004 Conference in Salt Lake City

        This year’s annual meeting of the WESTERN SOCIAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION will feature a special plenary address by Richard Koenigsberg, Ph.D. The lecture will take place on Tuesday, April 22, at 2:45 p.m. at the Sheraton City Centre Hotel, 150 West 500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84101. Please check the WSSA Conference website at http://wssa.asu.edu/wssa_conference.htm for the exact location.

        With no weapons of mass-destruction found in Iraq to date, some now pose the question: Why did Saddam Hussein not let inspectors do their work? If he had acted less provocatively, perhaps the Americans would have backed off. Why did he not make a greater effort to avoid the outbreak of a hopeless war and to prevent attacks that destroyed his palaces and his kingdom, killed his sons, and caused him to end up in a hole in the ground?

"Sixth Cuban International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium"

Havana, June 22-24, 2004

The Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau, with the support of the Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (the City Historian), HIVOS, ENET / ETECSA Cubasí Portal, and the collaboration of the Union of Cuban Artists and Writers (UNEAC), the Cuban Institute of Art and Cinema (ICAIC) and the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (National Fine Arts Museum), announces the VI Salón y Coloquio Internacional de Arte Digital (Sixth International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium) with the purpose of promoting artistic and cultural values created with new technologies.

Resistance 101: A Pro-Peace & Justice Teach-In

Hunter College, New York City, April 17, 2004

This FREE all-day event on Saturday, April 17th will include interactive panels and workshops with human rights and civil liberties experts and renowned theater artist-activists, capped off with THAW's monthly political theater performance cabaret, The Freedom Freedom Follies, held in the evening.

CCNY Strike Remembrance, April 22, 2004

City College SLAM, Professor Bill Crain and other student, faculty and community activists are planning a day of events at City College on Thursday, April 22nd to commemorate the 1969 City College Student Strike led by Black and Puerto Rican students that established Open Admissions and ethnic studies departments at every college in CUNY.

Art for Change, with the collaboration of the Diversity Studies Initiative of the Graduate School of Arts and Science of New York University presents:

Dissecting Diversity: Art Takes Over the Discussion

April 3rd, 2004, 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The Jurow Lecture Hall, Silver Center,

100 Washington Square East,

New York University

Art for Change, with the collaboration of the Diversity Studies Initiative of the Graduate School of Arts and Science of New York University presents "Dissecting Diversity". This symposium is part of an ongoing Art for Change "Breaking Barriers" program that intends to create a space where community organizations, art organizations, artists and scholars can meet and forge new social practices that promote social justice and civic participation.

Bindlestiff Family Cirkus Seasonal Update

The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus thanks everyone for their support and participation in the 2003/2004

Palace of Variety and Free Museum of Times Square season at chashama.

In the three month run Bindlestiff Family Cirkus presented over 50 acts on the variety stage and

played host to over 20 different productions ranging from circus to sideshow to theater.

High Heels & Red Noses, the Palace of Variety's featured BFC show, was featured in

the Village Voice, Time Out, Big Apple Parent, the New Yorker, and many more.

Memefest 2004, Radical Communications Festival

Memefest, the international festival of radical communications, invites
undergraduate and graduate students in Communications Studies and
Sociology to look back to the dawn of the Information Age and respond to
the article, "Cyberwar is Coming." Penned in 1993 for the RAND
Corporation, this article coins terms like Cyberwar and Netwar and makes
predictions about how information will be used to sway public opinion,
pressure governments and corporations, and even wage war.


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