Radical media, politics and culture.


Psy.Geo.Conflux 2004

New York City, May 13-16, 2004

Location and hours:

Participant Inc., 95 Rivington St. New York, NY 10002

Thursday May 13, 12-9pm with an opening reception from 7-9pm

Friday May 14 - Sunday, May 16, 10-7pm

[with additional evening events; see schedule here.]


Glowlab: Christina Ray ray@glowlab.com, Dave Mandl dmandl@panix.com

www.glowlab.com, www.psygeocon.org

Participant Inc.: Lia Gangitano, tel: 212.254.4334

Glowlab is pleased to announce Psy.Geo.Conflux 2004, the second in an annual series dedicated to current artistic and social investigations in psychogeography (the study of the effects of the geographic environment on the emotions and behavior of individuals). Part festival and part conference, it brings visual and sound artists, writers, urban adventurers and the public together to explore the physical and psychological landscape of the city.

Evan Hoffman writes:

"The Peaceworker Bootcamp"

Ottawa, Summer, 2004

We are pleased to announce that we will offer the "Peaceworker Bootcamp" this summer!!
We've had very strong and positive feedback to the design and unique features of the Camp — to the proposed rural setting, to it's low tech and realistic flavour.

After an extensive scouting mission we have secured a beautiful, rugged piece of land in an old mountain range two hours west of Ottawa. That's where we'll be holding the Peaceworker Bootcamp.

Fifth Annual Anarchist Bookfair & Festival of Anarchy

Montreal, Saturday, May 15–16, 2004

10am to 6pm

2515, rue Delisle (near metro Lionel-Groulx)

The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair is the largest anarchist cultural
gathering in northeastern North America, and an important exchange of
anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas. The Bookfair is for anarchist and
non-anarchists alike, in English, French and Spanish, with participants
from all over North America and beyond.

Hungry March Band "Satyricon A-Go-Go"

New York City, April 30, 2004

A dense frottage of the gorgeous & the grotesque, brought to
you by Hungry March Band & endorsed by the following fine

Anonymous Comrade writes

Disarm America!! Rally

Bryant Park, New York City, May 1, 2004

MAY DAY 2004: We Found The WMD; No More Nuclear Excuses for War!
Global Disarmament Starts at Home — It's Time to Disarm America!!

On May 1, 2003, George W. Bush declared victory from the flight deck of
the USS Abraham Lincoln. Standing under a Mission Accomplished banner,
he proclaimed that, "major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the
battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." With
war hanging in the balance, Bush had told the American public that we
cannot wait for the final proof the smoking gun that could come in the
form of a mushroom cloud. He didnt tell us that the mushroom cloud was
more likely to emanate from the U.S. than from Iraq.

On May 1, 2004 we will demand: No More Nuclear Excuses for War!

The Italian Effect:

Radical Thought, Biopolitics and Cultural Subversion

Sydney University, September 9-11, 2004

Presented by: the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sydney, the Institute for International Studies, University of Technology, Sydney, the Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney and the Centre for Research on Social Inclusion, Macquarie University.

Anonymous Comrade writes

Art of Resistance Conference

Seattle, May 13-16, 2004

The 2004 conference is the first annual gathering of political artists from around the country and the world. The conference will consist of two days of workshops, speakers and events exploring political art. Conference participants will receive hands-on skills and practical knowledge, a broader understanding of the history and current state of political art and benefit from the rare opportunity of being able to spend a weekend in a building full of political artists from across the country. We hope to strengthen the movement of artists for global justice by linking together communities of artists whether geographically bound or connected by specific issue.

The Art of Resistance conference will be a weekend full of inspiring art, creative communication and powerful expression. Participants in the conference will be able to participate in up to five workshops out of a total of 12-15 options. Workshops will be hosted by political artists from all over the country, skilled in diverse mediums. Participants will take part in two days of programs including speakers and performance and can attend the many events leading up to and during the conference. Our calendar will list related events occurring before the conference. We will host three open events featuring film, performance, spoken word, music and visual art on the evenings of Thursday, Friday and Saturday at locations in Seattle. The Art of Resistance will also host a political art exhibit which will be on display throughout the conference. Please submit your art to the show. All art in the exhibit and the art created during the conference will be on display on Sunday evening when we open the Arts Brewery to the public.

For more information, check out the rest of the site or contact us at artofresistance@riseup.net

Anonymous Comrade writes

We Are Everywhere Book Tour

We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anticapitalism was described by Canadian writer Naomi Klein as “...the first book to truly capture and embody the exuberant creativity and radical intellect of the protest movements.”

Two of the book’s co-producers, author Jennifer Whitney and photojournalist Andrew Stern, are traveling throughout the US in order to present, not only the book, but also the results of their further research and investigation into international protest movements and their ties to the growing anti-war movement.

National Rifle Association "Hunt the Rich" Orange Bloc
Pittsburgh, April 17, 2004

Note: Although this is a completely real call, for those who don't grasp it, much of the rhetoric is obvious satire. This is a non-violent action.

From April 16-18th, The National Rifle Association will hold their annual meetings in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dick Cheney is scheduled as their keynote speaker. As the billboards they've plastered Pittsburgh with so aptly say, "4 acres of guns and gear". In response, hundreds of people from our region will be gathering to protest what the NRA stands for.

Prophets and Gain: New Russian Cinema

May 3-8, 2004, Pittsburgh Russian Film Symposium 2004

Much has been written in the past decade about the crises besetting the film industry in Russia since the end of the Soviet Union in 1991. These crises, however, were simply the inevitable consequence of capital's struggle to differentiate itself from money — that is, a painful transition from funding individual film projects (by the state, by Klondike capitalists, by the underworld) to the investment of funds with an expectation of generating surplus value; a transition that transformed the film industry by shifting the focus from products to profits. Even the film studios inherited from the recent Soviet past — Mosfilm, Lenfilm, Gor'kii Film Studio — were forced to allocate their now limited resources in a new way: film projects had to be packaged both in terms of their "social (or artistic) merits" and their projected ability to return capital investments to the studios.


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