Radical media, politics and culture.

First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, May 5

First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, May 5-7, 2005

The First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry will take place at
the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, from May 5-7, 2005. The theme
of the First International Congress of Qualitative Research focuses on
"Qualitative Inquiry in a Time of Global Uncertainty." The mission of the
conference is to provide a forum for conversations on the interdisciplinary
implications of positivist legislation and academia for critical qualitative
scholarship especially in indigenous, border, feminist, race, queer, and
ethnic studies, and to build and expand the already robust tradition of
Qualitative Inquiry.Due to the growing interest in new conference panels and increasing volume
of requests for submission deadline extension, the deadline for submissions
of open-panel session proposals and all papers to the First International
Congress of Qualitative Inquiry is now extended to January 15, 2005, while
the previous deadline of December 1, 2004 still holds effect for
closed-panel session proposals. Notification of the acceptance of
closed-panel proposals will be given by December 15, 2004. Please continue
to visit our conference website www.qi2005.org for more information, and
take advantage of this extension to work on your proposal and papers.

Following topics are supposed to be taken up in the conference

• Autoethnography & Performance Studies

• Critical Ethnography as Performance

• Critical Pedagogy

• Cultural Policy

• Cultural Studies, Education & Pedagogy

• Decolonizing Neo-colonial Methodologies

• Developments in Participatory Action Research

• Ethics, IRBs & Academic Freedom

• Ethnicity & Race

• Feminist Qualitative Research in the new Century

• Foucault's Methodologies

• Global Ethnography

• Grounded Theory & Social Justice Research

• Human Subject Research

• Indigenous Approaches to Creating Knowledge

• Indigenous Policy Studies

• Mixed-methods designs & inquiry in Global Studies

• Nationhood & Nationalism

• New Media & Information Technology

• Postcolonial Methodologies

• The Audit Culture & Neoliberalism

• The Global Consumer Culture

The organization committee of the conference is chaired by Professor Norman