Radical media, politics and culture.

No Matter Who Is Elected, Say No to War and Repression

No Matter Who Is Elected,

Say No to War and Repression

Not In Our Name

November 2nd, 2004, 5–10pm Election Day

Union Square south, NYC

Instead of sitting in our homes feeling
powerless while the
election footage dominates the television, bring
constituency to Union Square where there will be
an opportunity for us to
come together to debate, watch resistance
footage and silent
election footage , discuss, hear spoken word
and DJ's will provide music.

We will be doing die-ins, face
painting, writing letters to GI
resisters in Iraq and interactive art.The last four years has been one of
unprecendented war and attacks on the people of
the world.
There is crisis in the air; people are feeling
the weight of
this administration's heavy handed grab for empire

No matter the scenario on the 2nd, we have every
reason to be in the streets setting a precedent
that sends a clear message to those in power, those
about to be in power, and the world. We will
not accept
this direction our futures are taking at the
hands of anyone claiming that a "War On Terror" is

It is possible that any number of scenarios
could play
out in the realm of the ballot box, and for this
reason, we must work together to set a tone in the
streets. Please join us, we are preparing and we
must take our futures back.

There are many ways your group can participate:

*You can endorse

*You can table; we are interested in creative
tables. (For example if you are a direct action
group you
could facilitate a direct action training.)

Contact us: 212*760*1722 or info@notinourname.net