Radical media, politics and culture.


Interactive Telecommunications Project Winter Show

New York City, Dec. 19-29, 2004

ITP Winter Show 2004

Sunday, December 19 from 2 to 6pm

Monday, December 20 from 5 to 9pm

A two-day explosion of interactive sight, sound and technology from
the student artists and innovators at ITP.

An oversized Greenwich Village loft houses the computer labs,
rotating exhibitions, and production workshops that are ITP — the
Interactive Telecommunications Program. Founded in 1979 as the first
graduate education program in alternative media, ITP has grown into
a living community of technologists, theorists, engineers,
designers, and artists uniquely dedicated to pushing the boundaries
of interactivity in the real and digital worlds. A hands-on approach
to experimentation, production and risk-taking make this hi-tech fun
house a creative home not only to its 230 students, but also to an
extended network of the technology industry's most daring and
prolific practitioners.

"Combating the Christian Fascists:

Who Are They, Are They Really That Serious and How Can They Be Defeated?"

7 PM, Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Revolution Books, 9 W. 19th St., New York City

With: Debra Sweet from Refuse & Resist! and

Osage Bell, writer for the Revolutionary Worker newspaper

Phone: 212-691-3345

Please join us in a conversation Wednesday night to discuss the urgent moment confronting us all.

"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"

Book Party for John Perkins, Brooklyn, Dec. 16, 2004

Who: New York Times best-selling author, John Perkins

When: Wednesday, December 16th, 7pm

Where: Vox Pop

1022 Cortelyou Rd. (the corner of Stratford)

Q train to Cortelyou, 4 blocks west of train station

Email: voxpopnet.net
or 718.940.2084 for more information

(ask for Emmy)


Book party for Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses
Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions

In Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins,
a former international banker, describes how, as a
highly paid professional, he helped the U.S. cheat
poor countries around the globe. John Perkins accuses
the financial system of cheating "developing"
countries out of trillions of dollars by lending them
more money than they could possibly repay and then
taking over their economies.

*Meredith* writes:

"Let Fury Have the Hour:

The Punk Rock Politics of Joe Strummer"

New York City, Dec. 9, 2004

Book Party/Reading/Performance

(Antonino D'Ambrosio with Ricanstruction, the 512 Collective, the White Shadow & Others TBA)

7:30 pm, Brecht Forum

Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15

"Were it not for the Clash, punk would have been just a sneer, a safety pin, and a pair of bondage trousers," writes Billy Bragg, and documentarian/activist DAmbrosio proves it with this gathering of skillfully selected articles and essays on Clash front man Joe Strummer (1952-2002), from the likes of Lester Bangs, Chuck D, Greil Marcus and DAmbrosio himself." — Publisher's Weekly, 11/8/04

"Joe was speaking about things he saw in his life — the things right in front of his face that no one wanted to talk about — and taking his message around the world...Public Enemy is an American group but we address the same issues — political, social, musical — on an international level. I learned the importance of that from Joe Strummer." — From the Preface by Chuck D

A quintessential rude boy, punker, rebel musician, artist and activist. Joe Strummer wrote some of the most important music of the last century. His most influential songs include "Guns of Brixton," "The Washington Bullets," "Spanish Bombs," "London's Burning," and "Garageland." Effectively melding raw creativity with radical politics, Strummer transformed punk rock from its early associations with reactionary and nihilistic politics into a social movement.

New York City SantaCon 2004

Saturday Dec. 11, 2004

What is Santacon?

It's a not-for-profit, non-political, non-religious & non-logical Santa Claus convention. We do it for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

SantaCon happens in major cities all over the world. NYC SantaCon 1998 was a blissful three-day affair with more than 100 Santa's flying in from all over the country as NYC hosted the national event. SantaCon 1999 was extremely successful with one longer day and approximately 80 dirty Clauses. SantaCon 2001 was a single day condensed non-stop blowout with over 150 red suits of naughtiness! 2002 was chock-full of bars, parties, subway rides, shock appeal, dirty xxx-mas carols, jingle balls, elf insubordination, Harry Hanukkah, and non-stop ho-ho-hos, with plenty of visitors from around the globe, many friends from L.A. and SF to boot.

And last year, with close to 400 Santa's, we wowed them in Grand Central & roamed across Harlem & caroled outside the Apollo Theater. There were stripping Santas in the East Village and bowling reindeer games in Central Park all accompanied by the usual decadence and debauchery only residents of the North Pole could appreciate.

grumbles writes
"United Kingdom G8 Protest Protest"

A Call out.

The final plenary of the European Peoples' Global Action Conference, which took place in Belgrade, Post-Yugoslavia from 21st-29th July 2004, is calling for a Global Day of Action on July 5-8th 2005 - the opening day of the 2005 G8 Summit to take place at Gleneagles, Perthshire, United Kingdom (Scotland, around 40 miles/70 km from Edinburgh).

They have called for people to join the convergences in Scotland being called for by the Dissent! Network in the UK (www.dissent.org.uk) to disrupt the Summit, and for people to organise and take part in simultaneous actions in villages, towns and cities around the world.

pei.czech writes:

Moving NYC "More Gardens!"

Thursday December 2, 2004, 11am

We need folks from all communities and from all boroughs to come by over the next 4 days and lend a hand. If you can join us please call Aresh @ 917 518-9987 ASAP let us know when you are available to help. Read story below for details.

Press Conference: Environmental Injustice in the Bronx
Community gardeners stood their ground. Half of the original green space is now to be made permanent. Housing and Green Spaces must stay in balance!

Thursday December 2, 2004, 11am
In front of Family Group Garden, E. 158th Street between Courtlandt and Park Aves.

In the South Bronx, over 28,000 square feet of open green space, home to 3 community gardens, are being lost, in a highly inequitable exchange of community space in the most toxic, least green, highest population density, most asthma-riddled neighborhood in the city, and one of the two poorest Congressional districts in the USA.

Gardeners and residents will help move out plants and speak out about their challenges to preserve the remaining 14 community green spaces, and to create more community gardens and truly affordable housing. We will explain the “Homes and Gardens Plan,” a proposal by the community and housing experts, showing how both gardens and more units of housing can be
implemented in the Melrose area.

New York City Meeting to Discuss the Presidential Inauguration

7 PM, Thursday, December 2nd

Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South

Bush may have been elected, but we didn't elect him and we won't obey him!
We cannot wait another four years to stand against the war and rampant
social injustice of another Bush Administration. On January 20, thousands
of activists will descend on Washington, DC to protest the second
inauguration of George Walker Bush.

Join a citywide discussion on protests around the upcoming presidential
inauguration in the garden room at Judson Memorial Church. This meeting
will provide a place for different organizations, collectives, affinity
groups, and other groups organizing to protest the inauguration to share
resources and ideas. We will also discuss transportation to Washington DC
and housing there, what DC-based groups already have planned for the
inauguration, and what NYC-based actions can be organized for J20. For
more information, e-mail nyc-counter-inaugural@lists.riseup.net.

The meeting will be held in Judson Memorial Church's garden room which can
be entered through the side entrance, on the west side of Thompson St.
between Washington Sq. South (W. 4th St.) and W. 3d St.

(Subways: A,B,C,D,E,F lines
to WEST FOURTH ST.; R to EIGHTH ST.; 6 to BLEECKER ST.; 1/9 to

"Woman and Globalization" Conference

July 27-August 3, 2005, Center for Global Justice, San Miguel De Allende, Mexico

Co-Sponsored by the Radical Philosophy Association, the Global Studies
Association, and the Argentina Autonomista Project

Of all the social groups impacted by neo-liberal globalization,
perhaps none has felt it more severely than women, especially those in
countries in the global South.  Young women have been the main workforce
in maquiladora sweatshops.  Women must do more work to support families as
incomes decline.  Women have felt the brunt of violence as frustrated
husbands despair about not being able to provide for their families.
 Families have been pushed off the land, women have been left behind to
care for families, and men have gone north to find work. Some women have
also gone north, often as victims of coerced sex trafficking.

returning men have brought AIDS with them to infect their wives.  World
Bank and IMF-mandated cutbacks in state services have drastically cut
medical care, and public education now has user fees.  These cutbacks
particularly affect women and children, as more women die in childbirth
and children have to leave school at an early age to work.

women are also severely affected in the global North. In the US, welfare
restrictions, increased costs for health care and housing, and declining
state aid for education and other services have disproportionately hurt
women and children, particularly poor women, and have increased the
feminization of poverty. Thus, in both North and South, the social
pathologies engendered by globalization have affected women most

Paper Tiger Television writes:

Paper Tiger TV Celebrates

New York City, Dec. 11, 2004

In light of the recent election, our country's need for media free from corporate interests has never been clearer.

Working steadfastly to prevent further erosion of our civil liberties, Paper Tiger TV (PTTV) celebrates its long history of media activism and its continuos commitment to media democracy.


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