Radical media, politics and culture.


"Signature" Conference

Baltimore, Maryland, February 26, 2005

Signature… the petition, the check, the painting, the autograph, the document, the stamp
… of experience, of institutions, of the state, of the everyday, of the spoken, of the human
… forgery, claim, authenticity, acknowledgment, ownership, belonging, become …

"Physiognomy of Origin:

Multiplicities, Bodies and Radical Politics"

Sydney, May 5-7, 2005

Keynote speakers: Antonio Negri, Adriana Cavarero

This conference brings together two key figures in the contemporary reconsideration of the concept of origin. Radical theorist and activist, Antonio Negri has introduced a materialist perspective on the concept of origin through his investigations of constituent power and multitudes. Italian feminist philosopher, Adriana Cavarero has been engaged in reconceiving origin through the thought of sexual difference, an ethics of embodiment and more recently, the politics of vocal expression.

"Yama: Attack to Attack"

The Most Powerful Film Documenting the Lives and
Struggles in Japan’s Day-Workers’ Ghetto

November 23rd, at 7:30 PM


156 Rivington Street, New York, NY 10002

Suggested Donation ($2-10)


Introduction by Go Hirasawa (Film Critic and Activist)


Directors: Mitsuo Sato and Kyoichi Yamaoka

Production: “YAMA” Production and Exhibition Committee

1985 / Color / 110 min / English Subtitles

Talk by Takashi Sakai (Social Critic and Activist)

With a shorter version of "The Public Park" (2004) directed by Munenori Yamakawa
in collaboration with Takashi Sakai

"Cinema & Situations:

Japanese Experimental Film Night"

Film Works of Motoharu Jonouchi and
Yoshihiro Kato (Zero Dimension)

November 21st, at 8:00 PM

TONIC, 107 Norfolk Street, New York, NY 10002


Admission $7

PROGRAM A: Films by Motoharu Jonouchi

“Hi Red Center Shelter Plan” 1964

“WOLS” 1965

“The Mass Collective Bargaining At Nihon University” 1968

“Gewaltopia Trailer” 1968

PROGRAM B: A Film by Yoshihiro Kato (Zero Dimension)

“The White Hare of Inaba” 1970 (2004 version)

Information about the directors is available below.

"Rethinking Reception" Conference

Durham, NC, March 24-26,2005

This conference both proposes, and interrogates the utility of the concept of reception for understanding audience interaction with texts in all their various forms — be it readers and novels, readers and critical theory, viewers and films, viewers and television, web-users and the internet, listeners and radio, consumers and products, and nations and the trans-national flow of cultural objects. Thus the conference proposes to bring together work on readership, spectatorship, and consumption under the broader analytic of reception, and to initiate a dialogue between work in film studies, literary studies, cultural studies, critical theory, philosophy, and cognitive psychology. The conference aspires to shed light on different aspects of reception and to develop and to refine trans-disciplinary avenues of approach to questions of audience interaction with texts.

"Contesting Capitalism: Practices and Strategies"

University of Leicester, May 18, 2005

Collective for Alternative Organization Studies (CAOS)

University of Leicester Management Centre

Call for Papers

Following the success of CAOS inaugural workshop in June 2004, we are
organising a second event to coincide with Katherine Gibson (University of
Massachussetts) and Julie Graham’s (Australian National University) visit
to the University of Leicester Management Centre. We are inviting papers
from all disciplines within social sciences and humanities on the theme of
‘Contesting Capitalism’.

Opsound writes:

Opsound Copyleft Record Label Launch

New York City, Dec. 2, 2005

(http://www.opsound.org/opsound/events/catalpaparty .html )


New York, November 18, 2004. Opsound ( http://opsound.org ) an online sound pool of copylefted music, launches its experimental record label with a release party for the electroacoustic band Catalpa Catalpa's debut album, Hardoncity.

Opsound writes

Thursday December 2 - CD Relase Party & opsound Label Launch At CBGB Lounge, 8PM - Midnight, $5.

New York, November 18, 2004. Opspund, an online sound pool of copylefted music, launches its experimental record label with a release party for the electroacoustic band Catalpa Catalpa's debut album, Hardoncity. The evening will feature live performances from Catalpa Catalpa, Ben Owen & Andy Graydon, Scavenger, and Weapons of Mass Destruction and will take place at the CBGB Lounge, 313 Bowery from 8pm to midnight on Thursday, December 2, 2004. There will be a cover charge of $5. The first 25 guests will receive free schwag bags.

"Going Public: Radical Resistance in Education"

March 5, 2005, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

A Multi-Disciplinary Conference

Call for Presentations

The Department of Educational Leadership at Miami University is pleased to
announce the Fifth Annual Ohio Graduate Student and Faculty Conference on
Leadership, Culture, and Schooling. This conference is a multi-disciplinary
forum for graduate students to present their research and scholarship in the
leadership, culture, and schooling arena. Faculty collaboration and
participation in support of graduate student projects are encouraged. The
conference is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 5, 2005 at the
Marcum Center located on the Oxford Campus of Miami University.

HLanger writes:

"Grave ReMarx: The Dead Keep Accumulating"
March 24-26, 2005, University of Florida

The University of Florida’s Marxist Reading Group
Seventh Annual Conference
Keynote speakers: Warren Montag and Mark Neocleous

How has Marx's promise of a spectre haunting Europe been explained away, ridiculed, or destroyed, and at the same time how does Marx himself haunt our thinking and rethinking of the present world? Rather than a revolutionary class haunting the world, today the left lingers on an always familiar political ground and appears stagnant by its own struggles, failures, and deaths.


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