Radical media, politics and culture.

November 2, No Matter Who is Elected, We Say No to War and Repression!

Not in Our Name NYC writes:

"No Matter Who Is Elected, WE SAY NO! to War and Repression!"
5pm Election Day, November 2, 2004
Union Square, New York City

Mark Your Calendar… Bring Friends & Join Us for a Community Gathering of Opposition to War & Repression! Come debate, discuss, hear spoken word & music. Bring your transistor radios, bring your friends, and your kids. Check out community organization tables. Participate in a mass die-in (representing those lost in this war on the world). Collectively read "Pledge of Resistance". Write a letter to a GI resister or a soldier in Iraq. Make plans w/others to continue building massive resistance to the agenda of war & repression.We can’t allow a break in the resistance against the war, and we believe that possibilities for our futures exist outside of the two options that we are being given during this presidential election. NO MATTER WHO IS ELECTED, WE SAY NO TO WAR & REPRESSION! Gather at Union Square to continue building the next wave of resistance to deliver a resounding “NO” to war and repression here and abroad. No matter the outcome of the presidential election on Nov 2nd, we are still against the war.

In these times, we see increasing attacks on immigrant communities in the U.S., attempts to enshrine Patriot Act attacks on civil liberties, and Big Brother breathing down our necks. We see the reality of devastated neighborhoods and murdered Iraqi children, more than 10,000 Iraqis killed and over 1,000 U.S. military dead. We see plans for a further escalation of the unjust occupation of Iraq, and a groundwork being laid for an ever expanding war on the world… Iran, North Korea... where next? We will not accept these atrocities. We will not compromise in our insistence that questioning, criticism, and dissent must be valued and protected. The stakes are high, and we need to create a climate where people engage in real social dialogue and political action.

See you November 2nd at Union Square, and until then, let’s make our NO! to any agenda of war & repression SEEN & HEARD across the city!
Posters, stickers, chalk, t-shirts and whatever else you can think of!

Do you have video footage of resistance at the RNC or other events against war and repression? You can submit it by emailing fearwillnotsilenceus@yahoo.com.

For organizations who’d like to table or endorse please contact:
The Not In Our Name project