Radical media, politics and culture.


And So Forth: A Post-Inaugural Assembly

New York City, Jan. 22-23, 2005

Amnesty International Firefly Project, Theaters Against War (THAW), Art is
Permitted Everywhere and FELT are pleased (overjoyed!) to invite you to
participate in our upcoming conference on arts + activism.

AND SO FORTH: A Post-Inaugural Assembly

January 22nd + 23rd, 2005

OfficeOps in East Williamsburg (L to Morgan)

"All art is a revolt against man's fate." -Andre Malreaux

On January 22 + 23, over 45 artists, producers, curators, activists, and
YOU will come together to share skills and strategies for raising social
and political consciousness through the arts. AND SO FORTH is two days
jam-packed with panel and roundtable discussions, hands-on workshops, film
screenings, collaborative art projects, performances, a gallery exhibition
of political art, and much more.

ASF is open to the public, and costs $10 in advance or $12 at the door.

Check out www.aifirefly.org/andsoforth for the full schedule of events.

:: How to Register ::
Go to www.aifirefly.org/andsoforth and click on "register." Volunteers can
attend the conference for free (volunteer slots are filling up fast!).

:: More about And So Forth ::
Scheduled to coincide with the official beginning of George W. Bush's
second presidential term, ASF was conceived and organized by members of
Amnesty International Firefly Project in response to the surge of
politically-engaged art-making that swept New York City in the months
leading up to the Republican National Convention and the 2004 election.

Prominent members of New York City's burgeoning artist-activist
community will join representatives from politically-oriented and
grassroots arts organizations to discuss topics ranging from the
political potential of gallery exhibitions to documentary filmmaking,
public performance, political satire, and fundraising.

Precair Forum

Amsterdam, Feb. 12, 2005

A one-day series of forums and workshops examining the precarisation of everyday life within and beyond the Netherlands — intersecting the changing nature of work (flex/temp/contingent) and production (knowledge-based and immaterial), migration and informal economies, and new strategies for metropolitan struggles.

12th February, 2005
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Vrije Ruimte, Okia, Eurowatch (tbc), Sash (tbc), De Bovengrondse (tbc), Respect (tbc), Next Genderation (tbc), Vrouwenbond (tbc), Domestic Workers Netwerk (tbc), Wijkcentrum de Pijp (tbc), StudentenKraakspreekuur (tbc).

International Guests:
NoBorder Network (tbc),
Maurizio Lazzarato (Paris),
The London Particular (London),
P2P Fightsharing (Rome)


DH Platform writes:

Please join
Barry Pateman (Emma Goldman Papers Project,
Kate Sharpley Library) and the Devin Hoff Platform
featuring Miya Osaki

in a tribute to Denjiro Kotoku, Kanno Suga
and the Japanese Anarchist Martyrs.

A Benefit for the
Kate Sharpley Library

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

8:30 pm

@ 21 Grand (449B 23rd st., Oakland)





“Long Live Anarchy!”

Anti-Inaugural Ball #1

New York City, Jan. 21, 2005

Hello All!

Anti-Inaugural Ball at Judson Church, Friday, January 21! Come vent your rage and find some hope at the Anti-Inaugural Ball! We'll channel the spirit of Judson Church's past — combining politics, art, low production values and naked people.

Friday, January 21 * Doors: 8:30pm * Show: 9:00pm

Free admission! Free drinks!

Free dancing! Free thinking!

The Global Flow of Information:

A Conference on Law, Culture and
Political Economy

April 1-3, 2005, New Haven, CT

The Yale Law School Information Society Project (ISP), The Yale Journal
of Law & Technology
(YJoLT) and the International Journal of
Communications Law and Policy (IJCLP) are pleased to announce their
second interdisciplinary writing competition and a call for papers in
conjunction with The Global Flow of Information Conference taking place
on April 1-3, 2005 at Yale Law School. We invite students, scholars,
policy makers, activists and practitioners to submit papers for the
writing competition and/or for publication by YJoLT/IJCLP.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

"Call For a Militant Anti-Fascist Contingent at the Bush Counter-Inauguration"

On January 20th, 2005 as the Emperor is re-crowned four days of militant anti-fascist action will commence. Blinded by militaristic nationalism and sedated by the opiate of religious fundamentalism, the people of this country have allowed the fascist ideology of neo-conservatism and their culture of fear to seize the day.

We say no longer.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

"Beyond Capitalism: Marx's Concept of an Alternative"
Five Discussions Beginning Jan. 23, 2005 in New York City

What concepts can help break through the prevailing notion that there is no alternative to existing society? Is it possible today to develop an alternative to all forms of capitalism, whether in its "free market" or statist varieties? Can a concept of a new society that transcends value production animate today's forces of revolt to go beyond reformism and one-sided critiques of U.S. imperialism that fail to articulate what we are for?

These five meetings will address these questions by exploring a work by Karl Marx that contains his most extensive discussion of a new society — his “Critique of the Gotha Program.” We will explore Marx's Critique in light of ongoing theoretic and practical debates in the radical movement.

Rethinking Foucault, Rethinking Political Economy

March 17–18, 2005, University of Leicester, UK

Workshop Theme:

Foucault was clearly concerned with rethinking political economy. This
concern ranged from his direct engagement in The Order of Things with the
formation of the economic subject in relation to political economy, and
also involved him in all manner of debates throughout his life about how
one might understand the political economy. After his death these debates
continued as his work has been extended in a variety of different attempts
to rethink political economy both in general terms and also in terms of
the analysis of specific politico-economic micro-practices and related
technologies of subjectification.

KnoMad writes

Anti-Inaugural Ball #2

New York City, Jan. 22, 2005

George W. Bush won.

Well NYC, what are you going to do about it?

First we party, then we fight.

Admission is $5 before 11 pm, $10 after. $5 All night if you RSVP (RSVP to my email).

Admission Includes:
Free Beer, Issue 2 of Propaganda 101, displays from uprising political artists, DJ Knomad and Alias 036 spinning live all night, a mock inauguration at 1 AM with your chance to throw eggs and protest (bring your own eggs), and Free Speech Zones.

This is all taking place at 347 Maujer St. in East Williamsburg.

Take the L to the Grand St. stop. Exit the train and walk towards the school on Grand St. Walk along the school until you reach Waterbury. (If you see Olive, you are on the wrong side of the street). Make a right onto Waterbury. From Waterbury, make a left
onto Maujer. There will be signs posted.

See www.propmag101.net for more details.

Feel free to bring flyers and info from your own organizations to post
up on the walls (no nails please). This will be a good opportunity to network.

The Parade Must End

NY Counter Inaugural Cluster

A call for an Anti-Authoritarian Bloc for the January 20, 2005 protest of the Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.

In August of 2004 the Republican National Convention came to New York City. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country marched peacefully and followed the law. This did not stop the police from illegally arresting people in mass while the Bush administration ignored one of the largest marches in NYC history. In January, if the police again attempt to forgo their own laws and arrest demonstrators, we will defend ourselves against this unlawful state repression. It is not enough to merely demonstrate against Bush or the war in Iraq. We must take action against the everyday war that is the system and for a new one based on mutual aid and cooperation.


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