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Call For a Militant Anti-Fascist Contingent at the Bush Counter-Inauguration

Anonymous Comrade writes:

"Call For a Militant Anti-Fascist Contingent at the Bush Counter-Inauguration"

On January 20th, 2005 as the Emperor is re-crowned four days of militant anti-fascist action will commence. Blinded by militaristic nationalism and sedated by the opiate of religious fundamentalism, the people of this country have allowed the fascist ideology of neo-conservatism and their culture of fear to seize the day.

We say no longer.On inauguration day the forces of the far right, from anti-choice
fundamentalists to plutocratic capitalists to racist war mongers, will
stand in awe to witness the coronation of their leader. We cannot allow
the enemies of freedom to have the day without a challenge from those who
oppose fascism, authoritarianism, and capitalism. We as anti-fascists must
defend liberty in the streets in an autonomous, militant, anti-fascist
contingent of the counter-inaugural demonstrations.

We will tell Bush and his supporters that we reject his authority and
agenda while we prepare to confront the shock troops of fundamentalism,
fascism, and patriarchy today, through their anti-choice march on January
24th and beyond, until victory or death.

Meet in Malcom X Park For the DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) Rally (starts at 9AM)

Look for the red and black flags!! March leaves at 11:15 AM!!

Mobtown Anti-Racist Action (ARA)


Nemesis Anarchist Collective (Baltimore NEFAC Supporter)
Stelton Anarchist Collective (Jersey NEFAC)

Mid-Atlantic ARA Network:

    Philadelphia ARA

    Philly RASH

    Philly SPAR

    New Jersey ARA

    North Jersey ARA

    New Paltz ARA

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