Radical media, politics and culture.


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Education, Not War!

Campuses Across the USA, April 18–24, 2005

Across the United States, the right to a public higher education is systematically being denied to our communities. While $150+ billion has already been spent on the war in Iraq, our state and federal governments are systematically de-funding our institutions of higher learning. Tuition continues to skyrocket as the Bush administration wages criminal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is clear evidence of a devastating shift in national spending priorities for which our younger generations are paying dearly.

Nietzsche & Anarchism Book Party

New York City, April 6, 2005

Book release party for

I Am Not A Man, I Am Dynamite!

Friedrich Nietzsche and the Anarchist Tradition

edited by John Moore, with Spencer Sunshine

Wednesday April 6, 2005 — 7pm

ABC No Rio, Lower East Side, NYC

156 Rivington St. b/t Suffolk & Clinton

J / M / F to Delancey

Associate editor Spencer Sunshine will introduce this
collection of works relating to the conjunction of the
philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and the political
tradition of anti-capitalist anarchism. Eight years in
the making, this groundbreaking collection was left
unfinished at contributing editor John Moore's
untimely death in 2002 at the age of 45, but has now
been completed.

I Am Not A Man, I Am Dynamite!
consists of 11 essays by writers from six countries:
Guy Aldred, Allan Antliff, Max Cafard, Daniel Colson,
Andrew Koch, John Moore, Saul Newman, Franco Riccio,
Leigh Starcross, Salvo Vacarro and Peter Lamborn
Wilson, with an introduction by Jonathan Purkis.

Vegan snacks and refreshments will be served, and
discounted books will be available for sale.

"Is There a New Blacklist?"

New York City, April 13, 2005

Wednesday, April 13, 2005, 7 pm

The Great Hall at The Cooper Union

7 East 7th Street, New York City

Renowned activist Tariq Ali is joined by Joseph Massad, Sara Roy, Monique Dols, and Amy Goodman for a discussion on dissent in the United States. They will be examining the threat to intellectual freedom on universitycampuses and the role of national media in this debate.

Caliban and the Witch Book Party and Discussion

New York, March 29, 2005

Tuesday, March 29

7:30 pm, Brecht Forum


451 West St. Between Bank & Bethune

1,9,2,3 to 14th st. walk west on 12th st, south on 8th ave, then west on
Bethune st.

Caliban and the Witch:

Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation

Silvia Federici

Caliban and the Witch is a history of the body in the transition to
capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the
witch-hunts and the rise of mechanical philosophy, Silvia Federici shows that
the birth of the proletariat required a war against women, inaugurating a new
sexual pact and a new patriarchal era: the patriarchy of the wage. Firmly
rooted in the history of the persecution of the witches and the disciplining
of the body, her arguments explain why the subjugation of women was as crucial
for the formation of the world proletariat as the enclosures of the land, the
conquest and colonization of the ‘New World,’ and the slave trade.

Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15

Anonymous Comrade writes "CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

PSY-GEO-PROVFLUX, May 27-29th, 2005.
Providence, RI

Submissions Application and Guidelines

The Providence Initiative for Psychogeographic Studies (PIPS) is looking for experimental projects in contemporary urban exploration and public art. The Provflux hopes to attract a wide range of artists, thinkers, and explorers for a weekend of interventions and entertainment.

The projects can take any form, providing it engages contemporary notions of urban space and psychogeography. Public interventions, actions, installations, projects, videos, and documentation will all be considered.
All disciplines are encouraged to submit material. The deadline for proposals is April 15th, 2005.

Please visit: www.pipsworks.com for more information.
Or email: pipsworks@gmail.com"

Islamic Punk Novelist Reads from The Taqwacores
New York City, March 19, 2005

Reading: Author Michael Muhammad Knight reads from The Taqwacores.

Saturday, March 19th @ 7pm - Free

Bluestockings Books

172 Allen Street between Stanton and Rivington

What is Punk Islam? Michael Muhammad Knight will explain his peculiar
conversion to Islam and read from his book The Taqwacores, the
first-ever Muslim Punk novel. He will discuss some of the issues probed
in the book: progressive Islam, the possibilities of female spiritual
leadership, "gutter-sufism" and other heretical forms.

Please visit Taqwacores to read excepts from
the book.

Demonstration Against Indian Facism

New York City, March 20, 2005

Demonstration Against Fascist Leader Narendra
Responsible for the Massacre of More than 2000 Indians
Madison Square Garden, March 20, 2005 4:30 pm

For more info: email: Coalition Against Genocide, or call: 917 232
8437, or visit coalitionagainstgenocide.org (Please also forward
this alert).

You may remember the massacre of more than 2000
Indians (mostly Muslim and Christian minorities) and
the brutal rapes of hundreds of women and young girls
in March 2002 in the western Indian state of Gujarat
by the forces of the Hindu extremist neo-fascist
movement in India (Hindutva) with full complicity and
support from the State government. Many of us saw that
event as a watershed event (paralleling in our minds,
Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany) in the emergence of
fascism in India. Over the last three years the left
in India have waged a struggle to halt the fascist

An important victory was the defeat of the fascists in
the 2004 national elections and for the first time,
the left parties won close to 12% of the seats in the
national assembly.

On Sunday, the Hindu right in the U.S. is honoring the
Chief Minister of Gujarat, Mr. Narendra Modi — the
chief orchestrator of the 2002 Gujarat massacre. We
see this as an aggressive effort of the Hindutva
movement to legitimate the "Gujarat experiment" as a
model for the country, and Modi as their ideal leader.
As part of the Coalition Against Genocide, FOIL is
organizing a demonstration outside Madison Sq Gardens
where Modi will be honored. Our goal is simple — the
people outside protesting Mr. Modi must outweigh the
numbers inside listening to him. We need your support
active presence to ensure that we have large numbers
of people.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

Left Forum 2005
New York City, April 15–17, 2005

As many supporters of the Socialist Scholars Conference know, 7 of the 16 members of that conference's Board of Directors resigned last spring in protest of the lack of democratic and participatory governance procedures.

Nevertheless, we value the two decades-old tradition of the Socialist Scholars Conference and wish the remaining board members well. However, in response to numerous requests from individuals and organizations, we ourselves have decided to sponsor an event, a conference to be held at the CUNY Graduate Center on the weekend of April 15-17, and we are asking you and others to participate with us in this conference.

Second Annual New York City Grassroots Media Conference
April 9-10, 2005, New School University

How can independent media best serve the needs of communities
organizing around issues of justice and equality?

The Grassroots Media Conference is weekend of learning, discussion, and
networking for community organizers, media makers, activists, students,
teachers, and youth. The conference will feature a diverse array of forums ,
hands-on workshops, discussions, a mini video festival and art exhibitions.
Come to meet and learn about a wide array of New York's grassroots media and
creative resistance resources.

Register here. For more information email info@nycgrassrootsmedia.org
or call 212.420.9045


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