Radical media, politics and culture.



(The New School for Pluralistic
Anti-Capitalist Education)

Teachers, speakers, and organizers include:

Stanley Aronowitz, Jack Z. Bratich, Stephen Eric Bronner, Silvia Federici,
Andrea Fishman, Jeannette Gabriel, Loren Goldner, David Graeber, Charles
Herr, Joshua Howard, Anne Jaclard, Andrew Kliman, Louis Kontos, Joel
Kovel, Raymond Lampe, Alan Moore, Bertell Ollman, Howard Seligman, Seth G.


"Capital, Volume I." Instructor: Andrew Kliman. Tuesdays, 6-7:30 pm,
March 1-June 14. Tuition: $150-$180, sliding scale.

"Finance Capital, Fictitious Capital, and U.S. Economic Decline."
Instructor: Loren Goldner. Tuesdays, 7:40-9:40 pm, March 1-April 12.
Tuition: $88-$115, sliding scale.

"Women, the Witch-hunt in Europe and America, and the Rise of Capitalism:
Rethinking 'Primitive Accumulation' from a Feminist Viewpoint."
Instructor: Silvia Federici. Saturdays, 3-5 pm, 8 sessions starting March
12. Tuition: $88-$115, sliding scale.

"Behind the Continuing Disaster in Acheh, Indonesia: Facts, Politics, and
Theory." Talk by Reyza Zain and Anne Jaclard. Wednesday, March 16, 7-9
pm. Donation: $7-10, sliding scale.

"The Marxist Critique of Ideology: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It's
Important — Especially Now." Talk by Bertell Ollman. Wednesday, April
27, 7-9 pm. Donation: $7-10, sliding scale.

"Taxation and Finance." Instructor: Howard F. Seligman. Tuesdays,
7:45-9:45 pm, 8 sessions starting May 3. Tuition: $88 — $115, sliding

More summer classes and talks coming soon!
For more information, or to register for classes, check our website. See
below for Spring course descriptions.

Website: new-space.mahost.org

e-mail: new-space@mutualaid.org

Tel: 1 (800) 377-6183

Humanity and the Earth / L'Homme et la Terre:

The Legacy of Elisée Reclus (1830–1905)

October 28-30, 2005, New Orleans, LA USA

This year marks the 175th anniversary of the birth of
Elisée Reclus and the 100th anniversary of his death.
On the occasion of this double anniversary we will
gather for a conference to discuss the life and work
of Reclus and to investigate the ways in which his
legacy is relevant to our world today.

Reclus is considered by many to be the greatest
geographer of his age and he is generally recognized
as a pioneering figure in the development of social
geography. His sixteen-thousand page Nouvelle
Géographie Universelle was a monumental intellectual
achievement which, as geographer Gary Dunbar observes,
"for a generation was to serve as the ultimate
geographical authority" and constituted "probably the
greatest individual writing feat in the history of
geography." His work culminated in the
thirty-five-hundred-page L'Homme et la Terre, a grand
synthesis of his ideas concerning geography, history,
philosophy, politics, sociology, religion,
anthropology, and many other fields.

2005 Left Forum

New York City, April 125-16, 2005

As many supporters of the Socialist Scholars Conference know, 7 of the 16 members of that conference's Board of Directors resigned last spring in protest of the lack of democratic and participatory governance procedures. Nevertheless, we value the two decades-old tradition of the Socialist Scholars Conference and wish the remaining board members well. However, in response to numerous requests from individuals and organizations, we ourselves have decided to sponsor an event, a conference to be held at the CUNY Graduate Center on the weekend of April 15-16, and we are asking you and others to participate with us in this conference.

Encuentro: a Peoples' Global Action infopoint in New
York City

New York City is joining Peoples' Global Action!

We are popular educators, anti-war and palestinian
solidarity organizers, prison abolitionists, and
anarchist academics — in short, we are rebels...

New York City may have Wall Street, hundreds of
corporate headquarters, and the largest police force
in the world, but it is also home to diverse
communities, beautiful cultures of resistance, and a
legacy of radical struggle. We live here in this major
metropolis of the North with all of its resources
(both material and cultural) and it is from here that
we join Peoples’ Global Action (PGA).

Affordable Housing Rally

New York City, Feb. 2, 2005

Join Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) and the Jewish contingent at a rally on Wednesday, February 2, at 4:30 outside City Hall (Broadway, 2 blocks south of Chambers) to demand that City officials guarantee affordable housing to ALL New Yorkers!

This march and rally will underscore five policy changes that can help New York City address it's worsening housing crises and create and preserve homes for the neediest New York City households.

"Epicenter: Aid for Aceh"

New York City, Feb. 3, 2005

Friends of Aceh

Friends of Aceh is raising funds on behalf of locally based grassroots organizations (such as Aceh Kita, Kontras, Flower Aceh, and People¹s Crisis Center) that were operating in Aceh prior to the tsunami. Aceh Kita is an independent media organization in Aceh.  Kontras is the Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence. Flower Aceh is a women¹s organization focusing on economic livelihoods, women¹s empowerment in Aceh, and women¹s human rights.  The People¹s Crisis Center is a humanitarian organization working to build community livelihood, health and education for the peoples of Aceh.

Who: Experimental music and visual artists in collaboration with
Acehnese activists.

What: Fundraiser party to benefit victims of the tsunami in the
Indonesian province of Aceh.

When: Thursday, February 3, 2005 from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Where: Clemente Soto Velez Center, 107 Suffolk Street between Rivington and Delancey, Manhattan.

Admission: $10-$30, sliding scale;

2005 South East Regional APOC Gathering

Asheville, NC, March 5–27, 2005

Asheville APOC chapter

An Open Invitation to People of Color

APOC is an ongoing conversation between youths, elders, and others for revolutionary grassroots solutions for problem facing communities of color. The Asheville, NC chapter of APOC is planning a Southeastern regional gathering in Asheville, NC on March 25, 26 and 27 to be held at the University of North Carolina-Asheville campus. Room and board will be provided, we are planning to have a weekend of community building, skill and knowledge sharing, empowerment and FUN!

If people are interested in doing a workshop or facilitating or volunteering or help us organize let us know...help us make this a revolutionary event! and this will be POC only event.

Alan Moore writes:

"Beats for Peace" Valentines Day Dance Party
New York City, Feb. 12, 2005

Hey Pals, Get on board! February 12th Saturday is the throwdown Benefit for the UU Church Social Concerns Committee speakers fund. We’ve brought you such fine speakers as the Frank Barbaro vs Vito Fossella debate, uber-economist Jeffrey Sachs, Daniel Berrigan, Lynne Stewart, Norman Siegel, Stanley Aronowitz, cartoonist David Rees, the Yes Men and Reverend Billy. (Check out http://uuforum.org/ to see it.)

Help us keep 'em coming!

You gotta make this scene, ‘cause it’s going to be THE happening party in fast-frozen Shaolin Isle! With DJs & disco balls and all that jazz. The event is "night club style," with spicy food and strange drinks (non-alcoholic, but adults may BYO). Under 21's are welcome, but they better step lively! Dance floor and lounges with videos, soft floors and special surprises. Dress as your favorite lounge lizard or nightclub star and get free food inside.

(Gung-ho party-makin' people invited for the committee — call "Rude-Alf" at 917 574 8392.)

UU Forum programs: http://uuforum.org/
Old-fashioned realistic Church website: http://members.aol.com/Uucsi/

Post-Holiday Re-Gifting Freemeet!

New York City, Saturday, January 29, 2005


Sixth Street Community Center


Bring your unwanted, but useful stuff to give away,
or come by to see what's being offered! Nothing is for
sale — everything goes on a first-come first-served

Anonymous Comrade writes:

UPDATE: Please note that the deadline for abstracts has been extended to
January 30th.

Grave ReMarx: The Accumulating Dead

The University of Florida’s Marxist Reading Group
Seventh Annual Conference

March 24-26, 2005 at the University of Florida

Keynote speakers: Warren Montag and Mark Neocleous

How has Marx's promise of a spectre haunting Europe been explained away, ridiculed, or destroyed, and at the same time how does Marx himself haunt our thinking and rethinking of the present world? Rather than a revolutionary class haunting the world, today the left lingers on an always familiar political ground and appears stagnant by its own struggles, failures, and deaths. This conference seeks papers that either explore the ways in which the spirit of revolution has been kept alive through its critique of the monstrous side of capitalism, or interrogate circumstances in which that same spirit has itself assumed a monstrous or ghostly face.

This conference acknowledges that capitalism constantly threatens life and tends to reproduce it as monstrous. Indeed, in the global context, daily life becomes a desperately lived struggle as capital continues to undermine, deform, and destroy all forms of life. The presence of the monstrous in capital permits a discussion of the destructive forces of capitalism, and the attempts of the left to resist and rise above such destruction on all fronts, such as economics, politics, and social/spatial relations. We implicitly ask how narratives of the monstrous conjure the spirit of marxism, Marx, and the revolutionary struggle.


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