Radical media, politics and culture.

Precair Forum, Amsterdam, Feb. 12, 2005

Precair Forum

Amsterdam, Feb. 12, 2005

A one-day series of forums and workshops examining the precarisation of everyday life within and beyond the Netherlands — intersecting the changing nature of work (flex/temp/contingent) and production (knowledge-based and immaterial), migration and informal economies, and new strategies for metropolitan struggles.

12th February, 2005
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Vrije Ruimte, Okia, Eurowatch (tbc), Sash (tbc), De Bovengrondse (tbc), Respect (tbc), Next Genderation (tbc), Vrouwenbond (tbc), Domestic Workers Netwerk (tbc), Wijkcentrum de Pijp (tbc), StudentenKraakspreekuur (tbc).

International Guests:
NoBorder Network (tbc),
Maurizio Lazzarato (Paris),
The London Particular (London),
P2P Fightsharing (Rome)
