Radical media, politics and culture.

"Global Flow of Information" Conference, New Haven, April 1-3, 2005

The Global Flow of Information:

A Conference on Law, Culture and
Political Economy

April 1-3, 2005, New Haven, CT

The Yale Law School Information Society Project (ISP), The Yale Journal
of Law & Technology
(YJoLT) and the International Journal of
Communications Law and Policy (IJCLP) are pleased to announce their
second interdisciplinary writing competition and a call for papers in
conjunction with The Global Flow of Information Conference taking place
on April 1-3, 2005 at Yale Law School. We invite students, scholars,
policy makers, activists and practitioners to submit papers for the
writing competition and/or for publication by YJoLT/IJCLP.Conference Description

Patterns of information flow are one of the most important factors
shaping globalization. Today individuals, groups, countries, and
international organizations are trying to promote and control the flow
of different kinds of information across national borders — information
ranging from intellectual property and scientific research to political
discourse, brand names and cultural symbols. And digitally networked
environments subject information to ever new methods of distribution
and manipulation. Fights over information flow are going to help define
who holds power in the global information economy.

The groundbreaking conference on Global Flows of Information, will
explore these emerging patterns of information flow, and their
political, economic, social, and cultural consequences. We will be
looking at the following key questions in six different contexts: (1)
governance; (2) economics; (3) culture; (4) politics; (5) science; (6)

* Can the flow of information across borders be controlled? If so, how?

* Whose interests are going to be affected by flows of information
across borders?

* Who will be empowered and who will lose influence and authority?

* What role can or should law play in securing freedoms, rights, and
democratic accountability as individuals, groups, and nations struggle
over control of information flows?

* What lessons can we learn about how to regulate information flow from
past experience with other kinds of flow across borders- for example,
flows of goods, services, people, and capital?

For a full conference description, questions to be considered during
the conference, list of speakers, schedule, and resources, please visit
the Yale ISP web site

Writing Competition

Submissions for the writing competition must be received by noon EST,
February 15, 2005. The author of the best paper, as well as two
runners-up will be invited to present their work at a panel during the
conference. The author of the winning paper will receive coverage of
his/her travel to and accommodations at Yale University for the
conference. Selected papers will be announced by March 1st, 2005. The
authors of the award-winning papers will automatically be invited to
publish their work in special Fall 2005 volumes of the Yale Journal of
Law & Technology (yjoly) and the International Journal of
Communications Law and Policy (ijclp) devoted to the
conference topic.

Journal Publication

Submissions for publication must be received by noon EST, May 1st,
2005. The selection committee, composed of the editorial boards of
YJoLT and IJCLP, will review and consider all submissions for
publication in the special Fall Volume 2005 of the journals, including
submissions for the writing competition. Authors will be notified of
acceptance by June 1st, 2005. The journals reserve the right to decide
which journal will publish which work, based on the journals'
respective audiences and editorial expertise.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions should be written in English in .doc or .pdf format.
They should conform to academic citation standards, be no longer than
25,000 words, and include an abstract of up to 250 words. Submissions
should be e-mailed simultaneously to Simone Bonetti
(simo.bonetti@tiscalinet.it) and Boris Rotenberg
(boris_rotenberg@yahoo.it), lead editors IJCLP; as well as to Lawrence
Cogswell (lawrence.cogswell@yale.edu), Editor-in-Chief, YJoLT.
Inquiries may be addressed to any of the above.