Radical media, politics and culture.


"Attacking Academic Freedom in America:

A Conversation with the Critical Art Ensemble"
March 4, 2005, 7–8:30 pm

Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center

Professor Ammiel Alcalay

talks with

Steve Kurtz and Rebecca Schneider.

Steve Kurtz is Associate Professor of Art at the University of Buffalo and one of the co-founders of the Critical Art Ensemble, a collective of artists dedicated to exploring the intersections between art, technology, radical politics and critical theory. Rebecca Schneider is a professor of performance studies at Brown and is representing the CAE Defense Fund. Ammiel Alcalay is a professor of Comparative Literature and Middle Eastern and Asian Languages at Queens College and the Graduate Center.

Reverend Billy Pledges Year-Long, World-Record-Setting Exorcism of Illegal
"Studyhall" Starbucks

Following their 8pm revival show on Wednesday February 23rd at St. Mark's
Church, The Stop Shopping Gospel Choir and Reverend Billy will march to the
Cooper Union Starbucks at 4th Avenue and St. Mark's Place. They will announce
their intent to place in the Guinness Book of World Records for longest
congregation will roust the demonic sweatshop bean, aka Starbucks, from the so
called "study hall" with gospel shouts and incantations from across the land.

"The Future of Food" Screening

New York City, Feb. 15, 2005

You're cordially invited to see the new documentary THE FUTURE OF FOOD which
will be screened this Tuesday, February 15th at 7pm at Sixth Street
Community Center, 638 East 6th Street (between Avenues B & C) in Manhattan.
The documentary runs about 80 minutes (description below).

Howard Brandstein

Sixth Street Community Center/SOS Food


There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables
of America — a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food
we eat.

Biodemocracy 2005: Reclaim the Commons!

Call to Action: Converge in Philadelphia, June 18th to 21st, 2005

CALLING ON ALL PEOPLE who resent the demise of democracy and hold to
the promise of authentic popular empowerment! All who dare to paint
poems of resistance on walls of oppression, dance in city streets in
defiance of police states, and plant seeds of sedition in the shadows
of Empire: come to Philadelphia! As the world?s leading agents of
eco-devastation and medical malpractice meet here in June, we cannot
stand quiet. Join us to challenge the corporate crime, poisons for
profit, and flagrant lies of the biotechnology industry, at the time of
their annual international convention, with a creative uprising for
truth, life and justice!

"Shocking and Awful: A Grassroots Response to

Series Screenings at MOMA starting Feb. 12, 2005

Deep Dish Television announces a MOMA screening of an installment of their
recently completed series "Shocking and Awful: A Grassroots Response to
War." "The Real Face of Occupation," featured among documentaries from around
the world, includes never-before-seen footage of the war in Iraq shot by
videographers David Martinez and Urban Hamid.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

Out of Time: Theorizations of Culture and the Political

Michael Hardt and Mary Ann Doane, Keynote Speakers

October 20-22, 2005, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Organized by The Collective for Critical Practices, a group of graduate students in the Department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature

This conference is concerned with what it might mean to be “out of time” and its implications and applications for our present moment. Our Collective approaches “out of time” as a sense of urgency, a potential that emerges out of “presentness,” and a transformation of earlier assumptions of temporality. Today, urgency and the potential of the present have been elevated by the presumed waning of modernist notions of history and complex shifts in the relations of production. We are out of time.

Edmonton Anarchist Bookfair

March 25-27, 2005

We would like to invite you to be a part of the 2005 Edmonton
Anarchist Bookfair. The Bookfair is both a presentation of
Anarchist media and a forum for Anarchists in this area of the world
to meet and exchange ideas. It is being held the weekend of March
26, 2005 here in Edmonton.

D. Umpster writes
Save The Date!

A New World in Our Hearts: Building for Revolution May Day Conference will be held in NYC Thursday, April 28 – May 1

There will be workshops, skill shares, music, a really free market, a critical mass bike ride, parties, speakers, films, a soccer tournament and more

Some of the workshops we will be hosting:

-Bridging the Generational Divide: An open dialogue between older and younger radicals with Ashanti Alston.

Institute for Anarchist Studies Soapbox Social

New York City, Feb. 18. 2005

The Institute for Anarchist Studies warmly invites you to our
Soapbox Social, to be held at the al-Alwan Center for the Arts, just a
stone's throw away from the beating heart of Capital (the New York Stock
Exchange!)* Please come join the Directors of the Institute, on the
evening of Friday, February 18th 2005, as we celebrate nine years of
support for radical writers.

The evening begins at 7:00 pm, and includes a full Indian meal
(with meat and vegetarian dishes) served at approximately 8:00 pm. Board
members will provide updates about the Institute and our activities,
including the Renewing the Anarchist Tradition Conference in Vermont and
the Latin American Archives Project in Buenos Aires. Additionally, we
invite you to share information about your projects and activities. Feel
free to bring literature or get up on the soapbox!

Cinema, War and a Society of Spectacle

9 June 2005, University of Cambridge, UK

The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
(CRASSH), in association with the Cambridge University Film Seminar, invites
submissions for a one-day conference on cinema and war.

In light of the predominance of a binary between innocence and evil that
frequently characterizes a contemporary political vernacular and Hollywood
representation, the need for critical thought remains crucial. This
conference will interrogate the interplay between the events of war and
their representations in film and video in relation to our implication in
the construction and deconstruction of such imagery.


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