Radical media, politics and culture.


Tenth Annual Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair

San Francisco, March 26, 2005

The 10th Annual Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair is happening Saturday, March 26,
10:00am–6:00pm, at the San Francisco County Fair Building (Golden Gate Park
near Ninth Avenue and Lincoln Way).

Admission is free.

Ken Knabb (Bureau of Public Secrets) will have a table there, as will over
50 other groups and alternative publishers from around the country. He will
have copies of his new "Society of the Spectacle" translation (just off the
press and not yet in stores) in addition to his previous books, "Public
Secrets", the "Situationist International Anthology", and Guy Debord's
"Complete Cinematic Works".

This year's speakers include Ward Churchill (recently much in the news for
his inflammatory remarks on 9/11), Chris Carlsson (editor of "Processed
World" and originator of Critical Mass bike rides), Peter Werbe (radical
radio commentator and editor of "Fifth Estate") and Barry Pateman (editor,
Emma Goldman Papers).

Attendance is typically 3000+. For more information go here. .

karen eliot writes:

Please join us for a lecture and conversation with Peter Hubris titled

"The Future of the Movement Against Global Capital: An
in-Person Report on the World Social Forum in Brazil."

Wednesday March 16th at 7 PM at Flor y Canto Centro Comunitario (3706 N.Figueroa Ave Los Angeles, CA 90065 In Northeast L.A.). Light refreshments will be served.

Biography: Peter Hudis is co-editor (with Kevin B. Anderson) of "The Rosa
Luxemburg Reader" (Monthly Review Books, 2004) and "The Power of Negativity:
Selected Writings on the Dialectic in Hegel and Marx" (Lexington Books, 2004). He
has published on social theory, philosophy, and politics in a variety of
journals. His most essays are: "Marx Among the Moslems" (in "Capitalism, Nature,
Socialism", 2004) "The Death of the Death of the Subject" (in "Historical
Materialism," 2005), "Acheh: The Social Form of 'Natural Disaster'" (in "Politics
and Culture," 2005) and "The Philosophic Ambiguities of C.L.R. James" (in
"Socialism and Democracy," 2005). He teaches philosophy at Oakton Community College
in Illinois and is a member of the national editorial board of News & Letters."

wolfknuckles writes:

"Remembering Rachel Corrie"

New York City, March 16, 2005

Wednesday, March 16 at 7:00pm

Anthology Film Archives

32 Second Avenue (at Second Street)

F train to Second Avenue stop

March 16, 2005 is the two year anniversary of the death of Rachel
Corrie, an Evergreen student and non-violent peace activist with the
International Solidarity Movement who was murdered in Rafah, Gaza Strip
while defending a Palestinian home. On this anniversary, we ask you to
join us to remember Rachel and learn more about the cause she fought

We will be showing several videos including Craig Hyman's tribute to
Rachel Corrie, and an excerpt from Juliana Fredman and Dan O'Reilly-Rowe's documentary WITH
BLOOD which was shot in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Pat O'Connor
will speak about the current challenges facing international,
Palestinian and Israeli non-violent activists. After nine months in the
Occupied Territories with the International Solidarity Movement,
O'Connor was arrested, jailed for three weeks and then deported by
Israeli authorities last month.

For more information on Rachel, please visit http://www.rachelcorrie.org

Williamsburgh Creative Community Fights Back

Brooklyn, March 17, 2005

WHEN: Thursday, March 17, 7pm-9pm

WHERE: Funhouse Bar, 160 n. 4th, btw Bedford and Driggs

WHAT: Plug in to the campaign to save our neighborhood!

A short info session and a meeting to organize visibility projects,
events, plan creative actions, tell Bloomberg what's up...
Come pick up stickers, stencils, fliers, etc. Plot, scheme, and sign up
to help out!

This is the second meeting of artists and groups representing the
"creative industries". It's open to the public.

Artists and Extreme Events:

March '92 Bombay / September '01 New York

New York City, March 14, 2005

A Roundtable Discussion on
How Acts of Unprecedented Violence Tear a City's Fabric

Monday, March 14, 6PM

The New School

66 West 12th Street, 5th floor

New York City

Admission free

"Progress and catastrophe are the opposite faces of the same coin."
— Hannah Arendt

Cities have been the focus of societal upheavals since the dawn of
human history, and the twentieth century was no exception. Urban
catastrophes in this bloodiest of centuries disrupted and destroyed
their conviviality, their security as places of dwelling and commerce.
Cities continue to be the object and subject of extreme events-bomb
blasts, forced mass movements of minorities and the poor, and
catastrophic accidents resulting from careless juxtaposition of
residential and industrial structures, such as petrochemical and nuclear
plants or waste management facilities. Chernobyl, Bhopal and Toulouse
are such cities. As these urban catastrophes get repeated in
ever-changing variations, how are we to understand these patterns?

Books Through Bars writes:

Books Through Bars 2nd Annual

April Fools Bingo Night

New York City, 8 PM Friday April 1, 2005

Hosted by Sister Loud Melissa

Music provided by DJ No Flag/Dave Powell

Friday April 1st

8:00 pm

Free entrance

$1 to play

Beer will be sold

21+ only


156 Rivington Street

(btw Clinton & Suffolk)

Lower East Side, NY 10002

(212) 254-3697 x 322

THE PRIZES INCLUDE: Sex books, Sex Toys donated by Toys in Babeland, Confections donated by Rainbo's (Essex Street Market), Comic Books and Graphic Novels, And More.

BOOKS THROUGH BARS sends free books to prisoners
across the United States who write us requesting
them. Bingo & Beer night's proceeds will be used to buy postage to send book packages to prisoners.

For more information on Books Through Bars:

The Festival of Dissent!

Lanarkshire, April 6-10, 2005

A chance to form networks of
resistance... A chance to plot, conspire, and dream about resistance to
the G8... To meet people learn skills, share information, practice direct
action, and party together.

The G8 is the annual meeting of the leaders of the worlds most powerful
countries. It is a major symbol of capitalism: a summit where rich
governments plan how to stay rich. Since 1998, these summits have been
resisted wherever they have attempted to meet. Protests have erupted on
every continent, fuelled by the extremes of wealth and poverty, by
military repression, and by environmental breakdown. In July 2005, the G8
comes to the UK.

NY Activist Calendar

March 12, 2005

[The NY Activist Calendar (formerly the CREED NY Calendar) is a weekly listing of events of interest to NYC-area activists. It is compiled by volunteer labor and published by the Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater NY.]


Events: {1} Regular; {2} Ongoing. Selected Resources: {3} Tours

and Delegations; {4} Classes; {5} Calendars & Event Listings; {6}

Books & Videos; {7} Radio & TV; {8} Other Resources.

"State Your Re-Action to State Repression" Conference

April 24, 2005, Syracuse University


On September 11, 2001, the political landscape changed
dramatically. Instantaneously, it became unpatriotic to
criticize President Bush, the government, or US policy on
any front. Activist groups like the Sierra Club announced
that they were indefinitely suspending all criticism
against Bush’s pro-corporate agenda as the nation tried to
pull together.” (Best and Nocella, 2004, p. 9).

depletion of civil rights and freedoms are nowhere more
obvious than with the October 26, 2001 passage of the USA
PATRIOT Act, which gave the green light to the government
to have unlimited mobility of their powers of
surveillance, search and seizure, detention, and
suppression of dissent. The American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) believes,

Many parts of this sweeping legislation [PATRIOT Act]
take away checks on law enforcement and threaten the
very rights and freedoms that we are struggling to
protect. For example, without a warrant and without
probable cause, the FBI now has the power to access
your most private medical records, your library
records, and your student records... and can prevent
anyone from telling you it was done.

Neo-McCarthyism is upon us and the United States citizens
are dumbfounded.

lelemungo writes

"The War of The Worlds:
Semiotic Warfare, Media Activism, Critical Entertainment"

Friday March 4th, 2005 at 4:30 pm
Saturday March 5th, 2005 at 2:00 pm
Einstein Auditorium — Barney Building
Department of Art and Art Professions, New York University
34 Stuyvesant Street (at 9th Street between 3rd and 2nd Avenues)
New York City

The Yes Men
Big Noise
Candida TV
Eddo Stern

Presented by d-i-n-a in conjunction with the New
York University Department of Culture and Communication and Department
of Art and Art Professions.

Schedule of Events
Semiotic Warfare
Friday March 4th 2005
4:30 pm Introduction: Professor Nicholas Mirzoeff, Director, Visual
Culture MA Program.
5:00 The Yes Men presents "The Yes Bush Can!" (US)
6:30 Yomango (Spain)

Media Activism and Critical Entertainment
Saturday March 5th 2005
2:00 pm Big Noise (US)
3:30 Candida (Italy)
5:00 Eddo Stern (US)
6:30 Nostalg/retroYou (Spain)

8 pm Reception


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