Lori Zett writes "I searched the most important newspapers, El Nacional and El Universal in Caracas this morning and there was not a whisper of discent in the population. The following comes from an activist in Caracas.
GOLPE EN VENEZUELA (Coup in Venezuela)
13 de abril del 2002
Información de última hora desde Venezuela
(Most recent information from Venezuela)
Movimiento Cristianismo de Liberación
(from the Christian Movement of Liberation)
En estos momentos, a las 22:15 [del viernes] queremos reportar, desde la redacción de Espacio Autogestionario, los siguientes hechos: Se están dando disturbios generalizados en la zona metropolitana de Caracas, concretamente podemos decir lo siguiente:
At this monent, at 22:15 (Friday) we want to report, from the editing [desk] of Espacio Autogestionario, the following facts: there are general disturbances in the Metropolitan district of Caracaqs, we can say the following concretely: