Radical media, politics and culture.


Lori Zett writes

Sat, 13 Apr 2002 09:52:20

I have just spoken to Guillermo Garcia Ponce in Venezuela.

He was an advisor to Chavez. He has two URGENT requests:

1) He asks that people and organizations mobilize to pressure the "junta" so that Chavez's family and other officials and Human Rights activists have access to him. He has been held incommunicado. There is no conformation that he resigned. No document to that effect has been produced. People have to mobilize to insure Chavez‚s safety.

2) He requests the solidarity of Human Rights organizations to stop the indiscriminate arrests, suppression, and mistreatment of Chavez supporters. The Paratroopers and various military, who are loyal to Chavez, are being held in Maracay. Ministers are being arrested and mistreated their wives and family members have been beaten. Guillermo Garcia Ponce request that everyone demand that the "junta" respect human rights."

Lori Zett writes "I searched the most important newspapers, El Nacional and El Universal in Caracas this morning and there was not a whisper of discent in the population. The following comes from an activist in Caracas.

GOLPE EN VENEZUELA (Coup in Venezuela)

13 de abril del 2002

Información de última hora desde Venezuela

(Most recent information from Venezuela)
Movimiento Cristianismo de Liberación

(from the Christian Movement of Liberation)

En estos momentos, a las 22:15 [del viernes] queremos reportar, desde la redacción de Espacio Autogestionario, los siguientes hechos: Se están dando disturbios generalizados en la zona metropolitana de Caracas, concretamente podemos decir lo siguiente:

At this monent, at 22:15 (Friday) we want to report, from the editing [desk] of Espacio Autogestionario, the following facts: there are general disturbances in the Metropolitan district of Caracaqs, we can say the following concretely:

La nueva institucionalidad se fue al carajo. Las
contradicciones entre la clase empresarial y los
excluidos culminaron con un Golpe de Estado que
resguarda los intereses del poder económico y el
suministro de materia prima barata para los países
desarrollados. Eso es lo que ha ocurrido en la hoy
República Bananera de Venezuela que preside el
dictador Pedro Carmona Estanga.

The new institution went to hell. The contradictions
between the entraprenurial class and the excluded
culminated in a Coup that protects the interest of
economical power and the sumministration of cheap raw
materials to the developed countries. This is what
happened in what is now the Banana republic of
Venezuela that is presided over by the dictator Pedro
Carmona Estanga. [Pedro Carmona E. is the president
of Fedecameras the most important corporate
organization of Venz.]t.n.

nomadlab writes "

Translation of document written by the legal Ministry of Venezuela

Caracas, April 12, 2002

Translated by Lori Zett

The Ministers denounce the coup against Chavez and warn that the President has not resigned.

The ministers called on the Governors and on the Federal Councils of the Government to defend the constitutionality.

The de facto Junta "is violating the constitutional framework of the country."

Louis Lingg writes "B'Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, posts confirmed reports of human rights violations in the Occupied Territories at http://www.btselem.org/English/Daily_Update/index. asp."

nomadlab writes "Granma has translated an interview with Eduardo Galeano that was printed in the April 10th edition of La Jornada.

the entire text can be found at

Granma International

here is an exerpt:

[Argentina and Uruguay] are countries overwhelmingly populated by immigrants, and here it’s interesting to note that that’s the basis of a universal perplexity, given the magnitude of a crisis like the one being suffered by Argentina, which is a veritable tragedy. There is universal perplexity because people don’t understand how such a thing could happen in a white, well-nourished country without a demographic explosion. The event in itself calls into question the theories of anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists and other "ologists" who, for example, identify underdevelopment and poverty with social explosions — things they say occur in obscure regions of the planet, regions condemned by destiny to suffer poverty because of the color of their skin, as a result of a miscegenation that did not bear good fruit. But contrary to those racist interpretations of human misfortune, episodes like this one in Argentina appear, and they can’t understand how it could have happened."

Louis Lingg writes "On April 9 U.S. Attorney General John Ascroft announced the indictment of four people for providing material support and resources to Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and his organization, the Islamic Group. Among those indicted is New York City attorney Lynne Stewart, one of Rahman's lawyers.

Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman was convicted in 1995 for plotting the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993.

cryptome.org has posted the transcript of Ashcroft's press conference announcing the indictments."

crouching squirrel, hidden weasel writes "One of the most important trials of the century opens today.

Bari v the FBI

On May 24, 1990, Earth First! activists Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney, who were in the midst of organizing a massive nonviolent campaign against clearcutting, were nearly killed when a car bomb planted under their front seat exploded as they drove through Oakland. FBI investigators, who had recently completed a course in carbombing held at a Louisiana Pacific lumberyard, arrived on the scene almost immediately; FBI and Oakland Police investigators told the press that they had evidence that Bari and Cherney had themselves planted the car bomb and would thus be facing criminal charges. The campaign to discredit and "neutralize" Earth First! had reached new depths.

Louis Lingg writes

"worldtribune.com has reported that back in late March U.S. diplomats from the American Cultural Center in Damascus visited Radio Al Quds, which is operated by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command and is funded by Iran.

Anna Weekes writes "The South African state is moving against communities who fight not to be disconnected from their basic services. Over 100 Soweto residents from the Electricity Crisis Committee have been in jail for the past 24 hours after holding a peaceful protest outside the Johannesburg Mayor's home. The Mayor, ANC's Amos Masondo, was in Hawaai but his bodyguard kindly came out onto the roof and fired 8 live bullets at the protestors!! One protestor was injured, but still taken to jail! After the shots were fired, the protestors disconnected Masondo's water whereafter they were arrested. Please read the whole story on the South Africa Indymedia site. The Minister of Public Enterprises, Jeff Radebe, last December vowed to crack down on the SECC which he says is a gang of criminals and rats - most members are poor pensioners!!!!"


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