Radical media, politics and culture.


hydrarchist writes For a backgrounder on Hacklabs, please see the this earlier interview with LOA Hacklab Milan.

El Primero de Enero "Escuela Secondaria Rebelde Autonomo Zapatista" (ESRAZ www.escuelaparachiapas.org, www.schoolforchiapas.org) is the first autonomous secondary school in Chiapas. It is located in the educational and cultural center of the Zapatista movement in Oventic, the second Aguascalientes.

150 students and 25 promoters are studying and working there. Although there are no telephones nor connection to the Internet, the school has some computers stocked, and this will be our starting point..

hydrarchist writes

Black Cats,White Cats,Wildcats: Auto Workers in Detroit

Marty Glaberman

EDITORS' NOTE: This article originally appeared in 1969 in SPEAK
OUT, a socialist periodical published in Detroit. We thought it would
be a good introduction to the article which follows, an account of the
League of Revolutionary Black Workers and its activity in a Detroit

Chrysler plant in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Detroit workers have been through many stages. From carriage production to car production to tank and plane production and back to car production. From prosperity to war to depression to war and back to prosperity and depression. From open shop to union shop; from democratic union to bureaucratic union.

hydrarchist writes : This article is aprt of a more general project being conducted by several groups in Europe on conditions in modern workplaces. You can find more info at Prol-Position, Hotlines and Kolinko.

Being a McWorker, a McDonald's report from Germany

What is McDonald's?

McDonald's is used by some people as a symbol of 'evil multi-national American imperialist culture'. But in reality it only has a different face from any other employer. Working for wages IS exploitation, be it in McDonald's or an organic bread shop. Although some say that working for McDs is especially bad in terms of supporting multi-nationals, almost all companies are tied into 'global economy' through production, supplies or sales. In contrast to this, working for McDonald's can lead to possibilities for the world wide workers struggle in a two ways:

1. Where I work, almost all the workers are immigrant workers, who live in isolated communities to a greater or lesser extent and sometimes have contact to their home countries. At McDonald's they meet each other, share experiences and stories of life in Germany, of life back home, of why they are here and the situations in their home countries. This multi-culti image that McDonald's likes to have in its adverts is perversely true, due to the limited opportunities for immigrants in the German labour market. So they are international in both senses, the company goes all over the world, and once there they bring together people who have had to move around the world themselves. Oh yeah - and then of course there is the international promotions such as Asia week!

hydrarchist writes "

No Border Camp Strasbourg : A Report

Shuddhabrata Sengupta


I. A Backgrounder

The "No Border" camps (like the one at Strasbourg) are events that grow out
of the activities of the No Border Network, (www.noborder.org) an alliance of
activists and organizations engaged in campaigning against tightening border
controls, increasing persecution of emigrants and border crossers, and the
buidling up of what can be best described as the "Fortress
Europe/Australia/America" phenomenon. The campaign consists of anti
-deportation activities like the by now well known "Lufthansa Deportation
Class" campaign by 'Kein Mensch Ist Illegal' (No One is Illegal) in Germany,
the 'Sans Papiers' (Without Papers) movement in France and the more recent
D.Sec as well as a host of other initiatives by, activist groups, civil
liberty organizations, and individuals.

hydrarchist writes: This interview was originally published at The Commoner.

"Interview with Evo Morales by Yvonne Zimmermanm, La Paz 7.7.02

Evo Morales Ayma, 43 years old, is president of the coca farmers' federation in Chapare and he's a symbol of the struggle against neoliberal politics in Bolivia. In the past four years he was president of the political party MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) in parliament, and in the most recent elections on the 30th June, according to the last counting he received more than 21
percent of the votes. As the second political force he might become the new president in Bolivia, seen as the final election is between the two strongest candidates, in this case Evo Morales and Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada of MNR (Nationalist Revolutionary Movement) who's slightly ahead of him.

These elections will mark a profound change in Bolivia. For the first time ever indigenous peoples and anti-neoliberal movements will be represented in parliament as a significant force. Until now, in that country split between the modern and rich Bolivia of whites and the poor Bolivia of indigenous people, the latter have basically been excluded from politics. According to Morales, they're now not only going to stop, but reverse neoliberal politics that have ruled the country for 17 years.

polo writes:

"Rebellion in San Salvador Atenco"

Ramor Ryan

One, Two, Many Chiapases (campesino direct action getting the goods…)

When the Mexican government announced the expropriation of 5000 hectares of farmland around San Salvador Atenco, 20 miles outside Mexico City, they presumed everyone was on board for their big airport plans. Addressing the campesinos who were about to lose their land, their communities and their way of life, President Fox gushed how they had in effect "won the lottery…" and there would be jobs a plenty at the airport.

Betty Kapetanakis, Executive Director of the North Star Fund, was killed
yesterday in a traffic accident on 23rd Street. Under Betty's leadership the
North Star Fund has been a sustaining force on the New York City progressive
community and she will be greatly missed. Its hard to imagine someone as vivacious, warm and ubiquitous as
Betty being taken away this way.

The North Star offices will be open this Thursday from 4-9 pm for people to
drop by to pay their respects, see staff, mourn with other community
members, etc. There will also me a more formal memorial event sometime this

hydrarchist writes: This essay was recently published on the site of The Commoner.
"Black Bloc - The Ultimate Logo
Laura Corradi,

Don't worry

we do not love any death
we like children who love each other

we like when a prisoner escapes
when a bank burns
any way in which
life does express itself.

From a Black Bloc Manifesto posted in Genova 21/7/2001

0. Disclaimer

The following essay is meant as an effort to understand what did actually happen during the anti-G8 rallies in Genova, by giving voice to different points of view - including the perspective of those who participated in Black Bloc's activities, and those who are simpathetic with this area of the movement. The Black Bloc has been, up to now, the object of a discourse with little possibility of reply.

Such inclusion is not the product of an unquestioned choice: there always are risks in the attempt to understand the reasons of those who are stigmatized for being "the violent ones". In different ways, the Black Bloc, is perceived - both by the state and by the movement - as "the enemy within".

Anonymous Comrade writes: Over the past nine months the ostensibly leftist global network of Independent Media Centers has provided a prominent forum for the views of conspiracy theorist Mike Ruppert.

Sneering invective and scornful insults were hurled at the few dissenting 'voices in the wilderness' that questioned Ruppert's dubious evidence and that noted the prominence awarded Ruppert's views within extreme-right circles.

Ruppert has recently accepted an invitation to speak at the Fourth Annual Real History, USA Conference, organized by British holocaust revisionist David Irving. (Conference brochure as a PDF)

Insitute for Historical Review Bio of David Irving.

Holocaust History Project Pamphlet on David Irving

David Irving's failed libel suit against Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt

Links to IMC articles promoting, defending and celebrating Mike Ruppert.


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