Radical media, politics and culture.

Communication from Venezuela

La nueva institucionalidad se fue al carajo. Las
contradicciones entre la clase empresarial y los
excluidos culminaron con un Golpe de Estado que
resguarda los intereses del poder económico y el
suministro de materia prima barata para los países
desarrollados. Eso es lo que ha ocurrido en la hoy
República Bananera de Venezuela que preside el
dictador Pedro Carmona Estanga.

The new institution went to hell. The contradictions
between the entraprenurial class and the excluded
culminated in a Coup that protects the interest of
economical power and the sumministration of cheap raw
materials to the developed countries. This is what
happened in what is now the Banana republic of
Venezuela that is presided over by the dictator Pedro
Carmona Estanga. [Pedro Carmona E. is the president
of Fedecameras the most important corporate
organization of Venz.]t.n.

Las continuas torpezas de Chávez y el creciente
descontento de la clase media indujeron una progresiva
perdida de legitimidad y autoridad en el gobierno
bolivariano que el derrocado presidente no supo
descifrar a tiempo. Esta situación fue capitalizada
por la cúpula de Fedecamaras y su brazo político, la
CTV-AD, para derrocar un gobierno democráticamente
electo. La dictadura de los medios se instalo en los
hogares venezolanos; sirvió de juez fiscal; y dicto
sentencia. La mente es frágil, el 27 de febrero de
1989 las calles olían a sangre mientras los militares
disparaban a mansalva contra el pueblo bajo las
ordenes de Carlos Andrés Pérez, quien no corrió con la
misma suerte de Chávez al garantizar el control de la
Banana Republic, como lo hace hoy su "panita" Ortega.

The continuous [dumb] mistakes of Chavez and the
growing discontent of the middle class caused a
progressive loss of legitimacy and authority in the
Bolivarian government
that the overthrown president was not able to decipher
in time. This situation was taken advantage of by the
leaders of Fedecameras and its political arm the
CTV-AD [CTV is the AFL-CIO of Venezuela, a notoriously
corrupt labor organization whose leadership was
appointed according to an agreement of "shared
leadership," independent of elections, reached by
three major parties, AD Copei and URD in the 50s
called the Punto Fijo Accords], to overthrow a
democratically elected government. Dictatorship of the
media was imposed in Venezuelan homes, it became the
judge and dictated the sentence. Memories are
fragile, on the 27 of February 1989, the streets ran
with blood while the military fired without regard
against the people by order of Carlos Andres Perez [I
was present in Caracas at this time. In 1988 CAP
performed what was called, "El Gran Viraje" The great
Turnaround, and accepted neoliberal mandates. Food
disappeared from the shelves of stores. Coffee and
salt could only be purchased from friendly
storekeepers who put these products aside for special
customers. Prices doubled and tripled overnight.
Salaried Venezuelans are paid every 15 days. Even in
good times, workers put transportation money aside to
be sure they will be able to travel to their jobs from
one pay day to the other. On February 27 workers went
to their usual transportation stops to find that price
had doubled without a whisper of previous warning.
With pay day one day away, they didn't have the money
to go to work. Spontaneous riots ensued that lasted 3
days. You could hear Military machine guns in the
street. The exact number of dead was never revealed
but more than 1,000 people had disappeared. Children
were murdered by the military in the hallways of their
own homes I knew two of these, pre-teen brothers,
personally. The streets smelled of death because
there was not enough room for them in the morgues. I
commented on this when I read the tearful concern of
the military for the 11-15 dead. If concern for the
Venezuelan dead was the reason for the coup, why was
CAP allowed to continue with his despicable
government? Why is he happily here in the US living
off of the wealth he stole from Venezuela?] t.n.,
who didn't suffer the same fortune as Chavez upon
guaranteeing the control or the Banana Republic, as
his "pal" Ortega did.

Al final, quedó en evidencia que la "revolución"
orbitaba sobre un solo hombre quien impuso el instinto
autoritario de la supervivencia militar sobre los
vestigios de una cultura política que no termino de
adquirir. Hasta el ultimo momento continuo
confundiendo la conspiración con el descontento de la
clase media, negándole a esta minoría su derecho a

In the end, the evidence that the "revolution"
revolved around a single man who placed the
authoritarian impulses and instincts of military
survival over the remains of a political culture which
he didn't end up acquiring. Until the last moment he
continued to confuse the conspiracy with the
discontent of the middle class, denying this minority
its right to descent.

[I do know that the governments of both AD and Copei
who have passed the government between them (alla
Democrats and Republicans in the US) were guilty of
enormous corruption, not just the stupidities of
Chavez: imprisonment, torture, and overwhelming
corruption over the past 40+ years, none of them were
overthrown. Chavez, for all his faults, and he had
them, was trying something new. Why wasn?t he allowed
to end his term? Surely he did not do the harm to
Venezuela that those who preceded him did.] t.n."