Radical media, politics and culture.

IndyMedia 'Darling' Embraced by Holocaust Revisionists

Anonymous Comrade writes: Over the past nine months the ostensibly leftist global network of Independent Media Centers has provided a prominent forum for the views of conspiracy theorist Mike Ruppert.

Sneering invective and scornful insults were hurled at the few dissenting 'voices in the wilderness' that questioned Ruppert's dubious evidence and that noted the prominence awarded Ruppert's views within extreme-right circles.

Ruppert has recently accepted an invitation to speak at the Fourth Annual Real History, USA Conference, organized by British holocaust revisionist David Irving. (Conference brochure as a PDF)

Insitute for Historical Review Bio of David Irving.

Holocaust History Project Pamphlet on David Irving

David Irving's failed libel suit against Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt

Links to IMC articles promoting, defending and celebrating Mike Ruppert.