Radical media, politics and culture.

Independent Media

jim submits "This note is to inform you that the full text of the spring 2003 issue of the New Formulation: An Anti-Authoritarian Review of Books is now available online at http://flag.blackened.net/nf/index.htm

It includes the following articles:

Anonymous Comrade writes

11th June 2003, Amsterdam

This is a call to all Free Radio makers, listeners and

sympathisers worldwide to support the Dutch Free Radios in

their protest against Dutch National Radio Frequency

Policy which currently threatens the very existence of

Free Radio in the Netherlands.

Please feel free to forward this message.

Messages of support and requests for further information

will be gladly received at.....


http://www.xs4all.nl/~artburo/cgi/r100/guestbook.h tm

A further statement will released within the next few

days to coincide with the 100,000 ANTENNES FREE RADIO

MANIFESTATION in Amsterdam on June 14th. Please contact

radiofestatie@yahoo.ie if you'd like to be kept informed

of developments.

Please read on.....




The Dutch government's recently implemented Zerobase Radio

Frequency Policy is designed to control and regulate free

use of the ether by commercial radio stations. On May 23

this year most available space on the Dutch airwaves was

auctioned off to the highest bidder. It should come as no

surprise to anyone that as a result of this auction it has

become clear that for the next eight years only the

biggest, most commercially and mainstream oriented

stations will be able to exploit the remaining Dutch

frequencies. The government's claim to preserve diversity

in the new airwave distribution has proven to be a fraud.

moose writes:

Friends in the New York City area,

Below you'll find a link to a new website newswire, utilizing PostNuke / PhP scripting technology. This newswire is linked to the anarco-nyc.net website resource.


The purpose of the newswire is to foment and encourage more communications amoung anarchists and anti-authoritarians in the NYC and surrounding region. You'll see several categories of "topics" devoted to this purpose alone. For instance, categories devoted to posting announcements about workshops, forums, study groups, and other events.

Spectre is a network of Sydney marxist activists that have come together in recognition of the gravely low level of genuine debate and independent theoretical engagement on the revolutionary left in Australia. We have a common interest in creating a non-sectarian, open minded and serious space for political interchange. We are united by a common interest in revolutionary marxism as a basis for understanding the world, and for theorising the state of the class struggle and various social movements in which we participate. We are keen to engage with a variety of marxist currents as well as with other revolutionary ideas, within a framework that respects diversity of opinion and encourages the widest possible speculative activity.

We plan to convene a series of political exchanges about history, theory and practice, addressing questions relevant to today's movement, in a relaxed atmosphere over a few drinks. Rather than being purely academic, these discussions will strive to bridge the gap between theory and practice -- ie, assist in developing a truly revolutionary praxis for the twenty-first century.

nolympics submits

Mercenaries Inc.: How a U.S. Company Props Up the House of Saud

by William D. Hartung

We were shocked and saddened to hear about the attacks in Saudi Arabia and the deaths of at least 91 people there, including ten Americans.

But the fact that one of the targets was a U.S. private military corporation called Vinnell raises serious questions about the role of "executive mercenaries," and corporations who profit from war and instability. This is the second time in eight years that Vinnell's operations in Saudi Arabia have been the target of a terrorist attack. In 1995 a car bomb blasted through an Army training program Vinnell was involved with. The following year, Bill Hartung, a Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute wrote this article for the Progressive magazine.

hydrarchist submits:

Open letter and call for papers from the Italian magazine DeriveApprodi to
social movements in Latin America, Africa, and Asia

we are

letter is from the editorial collective of the Italian magazine DeriveApprodi,
a publication of the radical left. DeriveApprodi was first published
about ten years ago and since then has appeared at irregular intervals. It was
founded at the beginning of the 1990s with a view to continuing the project of
critical thought and practical politics initiated by the autonomist Marxist and
revolutionary "workerist" movements. In the 1960s and 1970s, these
movements were active in interpreting and orienting the worker, proletarian, and
student struggles that had made Italy into an extraordinary laboratory of
revolution in the West, truly the "weak link" in the chain of
imperialist command. During the 1980s, however, the continuity of these
struggles was violently disrupted: thousands of militants from the radical left
were imprisoned, aggressive capitalist restructuring completely redefined the
geography and forms of production, large working class concentrations
disappeared, and the power of trade unions was gradually weakened. Individualism,
cynicism, and careerism triumphed within institutional politics and throughout
society at large.

"Springtime of The Movements"

A 30-minute radio documentary on the current wave of dissent in Italy.

ABC Radio National - The Europeans (see times and frequencies below)


The political and social struggles in Italy in the recent years have
been a source of innovation and inspiration for political and social
struggles globally. A discussion on the ferment in Italy today - analysis, opinions,
historical background.



Wu Ming 1 - Wu Ming collective of radical authors, activist

Franco Berardi ('Bifo') - Writer, activist, veteran of 70s autonomous
workers' movements and Radio Alice

Antonio Di Blase - FIAT factory worker and member of Factory TV -
Sicilian pirate television station

Professor Donatella Della Porta Florence University - researcher of



SUNDAY MAY 11, 1.30pm REPEAT TUESDAY MAY 13, 2.15pm

Adelaide 729AM | Brisbane 792AM | Canberra 846AM

Darwin 657AM | Gold Coast 90.1FM | Hobart 585AM

Melbourne 621AM | Newcastle 1512AM | Perth 810AM | Sydney 576AM

Or ANYTIME in streaming audio (after the broadcast) at

Anonymous Comrade submits:

"The Second Superpower Rears its Beautiful Head"

James F. Moore, Berkman Center for Internet & Society

As the United States government becomes more belligerent in using its power in the world, many people are longing for a "second superpower" that can keep the US in check.  Indeed, many people desire a superpower that speaks for the interests of planetary society, for long-term well-being, and that encourages broad participation in the democratic process.  Where can the world find such a second superpower?  No nation or group of nations seems able to play this role, although the European Union sometimes seeks to, working in concert with a variety of institutions in the field of international law, including the United Nations.  But even the common might of the European nations is barely a match for the current power of the United States.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

I'm happy to announce the sudden, and possibly only, and most likely last web appearance of "Autonomy: A Journal of Libertarian Marxist Theory, Analysis and Discussion," edited and so forth by Chris Wright and probably other people too. Get it while its hot:


Anonymnous Comrade writes:

The Federation of Anarchist Communists has launched its new
English-language website. The site will contain news, statements
and documents regarding the work of the FdCA and its involvement
in international initiatives.

The FdCA, founded in 1986, is the most recent organizational
experience of anarchist communists in Italy.


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