Radical media, politics and culture.

New! NYC anarchist newswire.

moose writes:

Friends in the New York City area,

Below you'll find a link to a new website newswire, utilizing PostNuke / PhP scripting technology. This newswire is linked to the anarco-nyc.net website resource.


The purpose of the newswire is to foment and encourage more communications amoung anarchists and anti-authoritarians in the NYC and surrounding region. You'll see several categories of "topics" devoted to this purpose alone. For instance, categories devoted to posting announcements about workshops, forums, study groups, and other events.

This website is an open publishing website similar to the IMCs, but with the exception that one must register and contribute to the newswire community in order to have the "permissions" associated with posting news and items.

Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the website, sign up as a user, and begin posting news, events, and other announcements so that we can make it a kick ass communication tool!

As of now it's a work in process. We are looking for feedback, both positive and critical. If you have any thoughts on how we can improve the site, please let us know.

Thanks much,

projects collective, brooklyn"