Radical media, politics and culture.

New Forumulation: Anti-Authoritarian Review of Books

jim submits "This note is to inform you that the full text of the spring 2003 issue of the New Formulation: An Anti-Authoritarian Review of Books is now available online at http://flag.blackened.net/nf/index.htm

It includes the following articles:

Volume Two, Number One --- February 2003

* Program

* The State in Hyper-Drive: the Post-September 11th U.S. by Paul Glavin Review of Silencing Political Dissent: How Post-September 11th

Anti-Terrorism Measures Threaten our Civil Liberties by Nancy Chang, The Terrorism Trap: September 11th and Beyond by Michael Parenti, and

Terrorism and War by Howard Zinn

* Chasing the Tornado by Uri Gordon

Review of The Trajectory of Change by Michael Albert, Webs of Power: Notes from the Global Uprising by Starhawk, and Change the World Without Taking Power by John Holloway

* The Writer as Freedom Fighter, The Freedom Fighter as Writer by Ramor Ryan

Review of True Crimes: Rodolfo Walsh - The Life and Times of a Radical

Intellectual by Michael McCaughan and Our Word is Our Weapon: The
Collected Writings of Subcomandante Marcos by Juana Ponce de Leon (editor)

* Towards an Anti-Authoritarian Critique of Marriage by Priscilla Yamin

Review of Public Vows: A History of Marriage and the Nation by Nancy Cott, The Wedding Complex: Forms of Belonging in Modern American Culture by Elizabeth Freeman, and Unmarried to Each Other: The Essential Guide to Living Together as an Unmarried Couple by Dorian Solot and Marshal Miller

* An Anarchist Terrior by Rebecca DeWitt

Review of Food Nations: Selling Taste in Consumer Societies by Warren Belasco and Philip Scranton (editors) and Slow Food: Collected Thoughts on Taste, Tradition and the Honest Pleasures of Food by Carlo Petrini with Ben Watson and Slow Food Editore (editors)

* Towards a Vibrant & Broad African-Based Anarchism by Ashanti Alston

Review of Post-Colonial African Theory and Practice: Wole Soyinkas

Anarchism by Joseph Walunywa and African Anarchism: The History of a Movement by Sam Mbah and I.E. Igariwey

* Latin American Anarchism by Chuck Morse

Review of Cronica Anarquista de la Subversion Olvidada by Oscar Ortiz and Contribucin a una Historia del Anarquismo en Amrica Latina by Luis Vitale, Anarquismo y Anarcosindicalismo en Amrica Latina by Alfredo Gmez, and Anarquistas en Amrica Latina by David Vias

* Anarchism and the Argentine Labor Movement: Two New Studies by

Fernando Lpez

Review of Anarquistas: Cultura y Poltica Libertaria en Buenos Aires 1890-1910 by Juan Suriano and La Estrategia de la Clase Obrera 1936 by Nicols Iigo Carrera

* (Interview) Resistencia Libertaria: Anarchist Opposition to the Last Argentine Dictatorship by Chuck Morse

* Notes About Contributors

* Publications Received


Chuck Morse


New Formulation

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