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Italian Federation of Anarchist Communists Launches English Website

Anonymnous Comrade writes:

The Federation of Anarchist Communists has launched its new
English-language website. The site will contain news, statements
and documents regarding the work of the FdCA and its involvement
in international initiatives.

The FdCA, founded in 1986, is the most recent organizational
experience of anarchist communists in Italy.
Anarchist communists have always established their own specific
organizations since the days when anarchism was developed as a
political movement of the international proletariat. The
political organization of anarchist communists is an integral
part of the struggles of the exploited, bringing to them the
ideas of equality, liberty and solidarity which have inspired
and sustained all previous revolutionary experiments -- from the
First International (1864) to the Paris Commune (1871), from the
Russian Revolution (1917) to the Spanish Revolution (1936).

This organizational process is participated in by class struggle
militants who place themselves within the Italian anarchist
communist tradition who work towards progressively building a
libertarian point of reference for all those who agree with the
theory, strategy and programme of the organization.

Come and have a look!

Federazione dei Comunist Anarchici

Email: internazionale@fdca.it

Website: fdcaen