Radical media, politics and culture.

Independent Media

Welcome to the on-line edition of the Communist History Network Newsletter
(CHNN), a twice-yearly publication concerned with all aspects of current
historical research into the life and work of communists and communist
parties across the world.

Anonymous Comrade submits:

Meyer Weinberg's A Short History of American Capitalism is available in free download at New History

Alternative Media ANRed Argentina writes:

The Redaccion news agency (ANRed) distributes information about workers',
student's and social conflicts since 1995. It contributes to the comunication and strengthen of popular and poorest sectors through different ways of work:

1- Graphic publications as a newspaper and zonal minor productions. We also
have a site on the internet: ANRed

2- The community comunication net has the purpose of distributing press
materials of unemployed workers, neighbourhood groups ("asambleas barriales"),
trade unions, productions of social organizations in conflict, and alternative newspapers. 220 receptors receive the envelopes with diverse publications.

3- The sending of press messages to national media when strikes, conflicts,
and social movements' fights and claims. We work with unemployed workers
movements as MTD Anibal Veron and others. We also articulate our work with
other alternative media as argentina indymedia

We are interested in contacting local and foreign people into helping with this

ANRed, Argentina

Email: redaccion@anred.org

"Spread this information, feel the moral satisfaction of an act of freedom." -- Rodolfo Walsh (dissapeared jounalist during the dictatorship of the 70's in Argentina)


July 5, 2003

The U.S. war on Iraq quickly shifted from an air war, to a ground war, and
now to the occupation. In occupied Iraq, some U.S. groups that organized
against the war are now organizing to monitor the corporations being awarded contracts to rebuild that country. At the same time back in the U.S. other lucrative defense contracts are underreported. On June 30, the Aerospace Testing Alliance, a partnership among Jacobs Sverdrup, General Physics Corp., and Computer Science Corp., was awarded a $2.9 billion contract for work at Arnold Air Force Base in Tennessee.
http://www.iconmedia.org/articles/warprofiteers.ht ml


Join others from the South for a weekend workshop on the weapons industry.
Be there for a perimeter tour of the Pantex Nuclear Weapons Plant.


Workers at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth went on strike for 2 weeks in
April. The 27-minute documentary speaks to a trend of labor fighting back
against regressive contracts and the problem of healthcare coverage.

Anonymous Kumquat submits:

"A Cardinal Visits the Anarchists"*

Interview with Pierre Bourdieu

[Conducted by Archibald Zurvan
on Radio Libertaire, Translated by Sharif Gemie. On 1 March 2001, Pierre Bourdieu discussed his most
recent work, Contre-feux no 2, pour un mouvement
social europen
[Counter-Attack 2: For a European
Social Movement
] (Editions Raison d'Agir, 30 francs),
on the "Weekly Diary" programme of Radio Libertaire.
As Bourdieu has been placed on the black list
by those who dominate the media, "Science's Cardinal
Ratzinger" [1] (as he was described by the editor of
the Temps Modernes: see Le Monde, 18 September 1998)
came to debate some points with the anarchists.]

Radio Libertaire: Why have you accepted the invitation
from the anarchists' radio station? Is it to publicize
your "Raisons d'Agir" collection? Don't you know that
RL, which is almost the only independent radio
station, only has a tiny audience even if they
are the elite of the listening public? How do you get
on with the official media?

Anonymous Comrade submits:

The Brian MacKenzie Infoshop had its long anticipated opening on May
5th after four years of planning and preparation. The group of
activists took on the project to provide as a center for radical
thought and in the D.C. area. The non-profit store sells a wide
variety of books and zines on politics, government, feminism, world
issues, anarchy, activism and other subjects that are hard to shop
for in other bookstores. They also have a growing selection of punk,
indie and folk CDs and vinyls.

The space keeps an up-to-date activism events bulletin board, provides
space for meetings and events, distributes info on local groups and
generally makes it easy to be plugged into the activist community. The
cozy basement room provides as a haven for meeting other independent
thinkers and sharing radical ideas in a friendly environment. The
Infoshop is located at 9th and P Sts. in the basement of the Arthur
Flemming Center at 1426 9th St. NW.

Anonymous Comrade submits:

Alternative Media-Tech Convergence, Cancun, September

"Tidal Wave Cancún"

After contacting representatives of groups such as AMARC, Global Indymedia, Greenpeace, Paper Tiger, Deep Dish, Prometheus Radio, Media Act, and people involved in the CRIS and WSIS campaigns during the "OurMedia" (Nuestros Medios) in Barranquilla, Colombia, compañer@s in Indymedia Chiapas have proposed creating an Alternative Media-Tech Convergence in Cancun.

hydrarchist submits:

Robert Fisk Interviewed by Amy Goodman

On June 11, 2003, Amy Goodman interviewed Robert Fisk. He recently

left Iraq

where he was chronicling the rising resistance to the U.S.

occupation. Ten

American soldiers have been killed in ambushes across Iraq in the

past 15

days including one yesterday in Baghdad who was attacked with


propelled grenades. Fallujah has been a hotbed of Iraqi resistance


April when U.S. troops fired into large crowds of civilians twice

killing at

least 18 people.

jim submits:

"Rhizomatic Radio and the Great Stampede"

Ron Sakolsky

Let us conjure up a vision of a Wild Radio Stampede
disrupting the territorialized lines of Authority
artificially drawn in the air surrounding Mother
Earth. The seismic flows of land, sea, and air waves
reconceptualized as rhizomatic possibilities. Let the
leaden segmentary lines imposed by capitofeudalism
explode into detached shimmering lines of flight.
Rampaging sound wave tubers where each stem is itself
a rootstock emitting new roots everywhere along its
sonic path. Unstoppable drifting planetary waves of
radio sound laughing in the sedentary face of the
dominant mediacracy's uniformity. Immersion then
becomes a metaphor not for entrapment, but for escape
as receiver and producer become one in an oceanic roar
sounding in its composite signal like a combination of
Hiroshi Yokoi's 24 hour FM radio transmissions in
Japan programmed according to tidal patterns and
Tetsuo Kogawa's micropower radio broadcasts, inspired
by the radio experiments in "direct speech" of the
Italian Autonomists. The Autonomist trick of The
Serpent of Desire Eating Its Own Tail as performed by
Felix Guattari and the Schizzes, a "molecular
revolution" on a mixtape.


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