Radical media, politics and culture.

Independent Media

Call For Submissions for

Activist Family Handbook

Deadline: April, 30, 2004. Please circulate.

Looking for short prose articles/essays that deal practically with issues of parenting and activism.

Anonymous Comrade submits:

Greetings, fellow office-workerbees, from the Beehive Design Collective in
Eastern Maine! We are pleased to report that our Hive is finishing up some
fantastic revisions to our FTAA and Plan Colombia graphics for a massive
upcoming print run! We're also excited to announce the opportunity for
groups to collaborate on this print run, as a means to share these
effective popular education, outreach, and fundraising tools with others
working to build awareness and mobilization against the upcoming FTAA
meetings in Miami this November! So. for the first time ever, we're
offering at-cost beehive posters!

jim submits: (From our Turkish comrades)

Autonomedia (Otonomedya)


Autonomedia is a news and communication network based on voluntary working
and organisation. Its purpose is to make people know the events that system's
media censors because of ideological reasons and to provide a basis for
the voices that are depressed.

Autonomedia, as it can be understood from the emphasis on "autonom", is
self-regulative, non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian, and accepts horizontical
and voluntary organisation as a way of working. It is the site of anarchists
and will give priority to the news and announcements of anarchists, and

Ash writes:

Vermont is an area known historically for being radical, but also for being rural. In a rural context it's hard to connect with one another to discuss, to plan, and to act. This mailing list will attempt to facilitate dialogue around anarchist issues in Vermont, anarchist-oriented activism, and anarchist planning based around demonstrations in other areas of the US and Canada.


With so many demonstrations happening around the east coast in the next year, and with Vermont's relative isolation, it seems to make sense to work with one another to attend these demonstrations and to hold solidarity actions in Vermont itself, for those who can't travel.


  Join the list! Say stuff! Smash the state! (... or at least have fun trying)


  To subscribe: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/vermontanarchists

Anonymous Comrade submits:

Indianapolis: Solidarity Books Raided Last Night

Solidarity Books Collective, (Friday August 15 2003 @ 08:48AM PDT)

Over the past weeks, Solidarity Books has experienced a
steadily-increasing amount of police repression. There has been a
continuous stream of undercover police agents in and out of the space, a
marked rise in parked marked and unmarked police cars and tech vans on
the Boulevard Ave., and allegations that the infoshop was responsible
for vandalism at a downtown Starbucks and at St. Mary's Church (which is
the parish providing the NGA protests with a convergence space).

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Register now for free access through August 31, 2003

Product factsheet: http://www.nisc.com/factsheets/qli.asp

Click on the: "Click here for FREE Database of the Month" link near
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The Separation

Radically Separating Ourselves From The World Of

Opposed to the spectacle, to capitalism, and to the
This group will be founded upon the basic principles
of anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalism. A complete
founding document will be written collectively once we
have established ourselves. If a member dissents from
these core principles; he/she will be obligated to
resign from the group due to a conflict of interest.
An obligation to resign will never be moral or

Situationist theory does not represent us in our full.
Rather, we are familiar with it, agree with aspects of
it, and take none of it as absolute dogmas. We are
here because history has created us. We are history,
and are not merely repeating it. We see ourselves in
history as applying ideas that have come before us to
the dissolution of the current state of things, once
and for all. We are not a party, nor will we ever
become one. A party stands to recognize the current
society as legitimate, and we do not recognize it as

We are distinguishable in our absolute distaste for
the totality of this society, and our revolutionary
desire to change society in its totality. We do not
theorize - we act.

The Separation

Rob writes

Interview with ISM activist Tarek Lubani who was arrested along with 3 other ISM activists in Arrabony. They had been in the town which is located outside of Jenin, for 3 days in a peace camp set up on confiscated Palestinian land.

The original report of their arrest was posted here

Here is a brief article about the pirate television network now developng in many differenet parts of Italy. In the autumn Autonomedia will publish a full account of developments of these struggles over media control, and the autonomous initiatives launched to counter them, by Franco Berardi (Bifo) entitled "Media Activism v TeleDictatorship."


original text-address:

http://www.telestreet.it/telestreet/stampa/diario2 0021219.txt

The last born is named Telefabbrica and transmits from Termini Immerese,
documents the stories and struggles of the Fiat workers. How many in Italy
nowadays are the neighbourhood televisions no-one will be able to tell
exactly, a part has been started by Telestreet, which for the 14th of
decembre organised an appointment for everyone in Bologna for the first
national meeting. (last year: 2002, ndr)

Anonymous Comrade submits:

"Polymedia Lab at World Summit on the
Information Society

December 8-13, 2003, Geneva, Switzerland

Information increasingly represents the ground on which authority is based
and on which struggles are being fought out. Intellectual Property is
becoming a major means of control, and the media-led battles for the
thoughts and the consent of people are playing a central role in global
politics -- once again proven by the tales on weapons of mass destruction
before the Iraq war.

As an intervention into the reorganisation of power, communication and
information, we propose a media lab during the World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS).


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