Radical media, politics and culture.

"Spectre", Sydney, Australia's Marxisms Project

Spectre is a network of Sydney marxist activists that have come together in recognition of the gravely low level of genuine debate and independent theoretical engagement on the revolutionary left in Australia. We have a common interest in creating a non-sectarian, open minded and serious space for political interchange. We are united by a common interest in revolutionary marxism as a basis for understanding the world, and for theorising the state of the class struggle and various social movements in which we participate. We are keen to engage with a variety of marxist currents as well as with other revolutionary ideas, within a framework that respects diversity of opinion and encourages the widest possible speculative activity.

We plan to convene a series of political exchanges about history, theory and practice, addressing questions relevant to today's movement, in a relaxed atmosphere over a few drinks. Rather than being purely academic, these discussions will strive to bridge the gap between theory and practice -- ie, assist in developing a truly revolutionary praxis for the twenty-first century. We hope this series will lead to the establishment of a broader network connecting revolutionary activists across Sydney and beyond, and to the initiation of further projects involving theoretical production, political education and collective action. We are keen to assist anyone interested in initiating such projects.

We welcome participation from anyone who is interested in participating in this project in good faith, on the understanding that discussion will take place within a broadly marxist framework, and that the whole spectrum of marxist and revolutionary thought are engaged with respectfully. In particular, we encourage the participation of any student, social movement and trade union activists who want a space to discuss their campaigns and develop their ideas. Party membership is not a barrier to participation. We will not, however, tolerate "interventions", sectarian "wedge-driving", narrow minded dogmatism, or recruitment raids. We ask for a spirit of participation in keeping with our own- a desire to learn, and to develop and change our ideas through collective engagement.

If you'd like to hear about future spectre events in sydney join our e-mail announce list.