Radical media, politics and culture.

Independent Media

Mama APOC writes:

APOC Zine Call for Submissions
Fifty years ago, Ella Baker said: “Strong people don’t need leaders.” This sentiment is being expressed on the streets of New York, Philadelphia, Durban, Caracas, Buenos Aires, San Francisco, Seattle and Michigan. Within this growing anti-authoritarian movement has been the emergence of diverse voices of people of color. Coming off the recent APOC Conference in Detroit, and the follow-up meetings of APOC-NYC, we recognize the need for a space for anti-authoritarian POCs to share ideas, experiences, analyses and creative expressions.

Thus, we are putting together a zine of writings, art, and anything creative or even helpful by anti-authoritarian POCs on the East Coast. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* anti-racism
* environmental justice/sustainable communities
* gender identity
* sexuality
* racism and sexism within activist movements
* day-to-day survivals (when you feel like you’re not contributing anything to the “movement”, but actually are fighting – daily resistance to those exercising power over you)
* how-to practical guides (anything from navigating social bureaucracies to fixing a bike to cheap, healthy cooking)
* global movements of resistance

Suggested Guidelines: Prose pieces should be in the range of 250-1000 words. Poetry is welcome as well, as is artwork (which includes drawings, photographs and cartoons). If you send stuff by snail mail and you want it returned, you must send a SASE!! Otherwise, it will become part of our personal collections J. Please send submissions by e-mail to apoczine@aol.com. Snail mail address also available. Please e-mail us to get it."

Amnesty International forced to withdraw Chavez Documentary amid threats of violence

Amnesty International Vancouver have been forced to withdraw the documentary on Hugo Chavez amid threats of violence

Amnesty Forced to Withdraw Chavez Documentary from Canadian Screening amid Threats of Violence.
Last year two Irish filmmakers were eye witnesses to one of the most extraordinary events in recent Central American history. Donnacha O’Brin and Kim Bartley had travelled to Venezuela to film an intimate portrait of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. They found themselves in the middle of a coup staged by elements in the military, powerful forces in the privately owned oil companies and the privately owned media.

http://www.geneva03.org writes
High Noon call by geneva03 initiative!

1 Towards HIGHNOON

In recent years media activism has evolved globally from local pirate
radios, video activist groups and paper zines into complex networks of
alliances that use ICT to bridge the physical gap in txt, visual and sonic
media, as well as those of distance and feasibility. Some of these networks
(like Indymedia) have showed the way for others how to structure the
information agregation and desemination process.

altar_magazine writes:

Altar Magazine, a forum for critical thought, coalition building, artistic creativity, and activism, is kicking off its second issue. With more pages and better print quality, this issue will feature articles such as Myopia by Inga Muscio, Hajira: Part Two by Fawzia Afzal-Khan, Arting Up the Revolution by Jonathan Culp, Concrete Blonde Interview, Celie’s Revenge: Hip-hop Betrays Black Women by Jennifer McLune, No Justice No Peace: a critique within the peace movement, Scott Heron Interview (Prefuse 73, Savath + Savalas) and much more from writers and artists living all over the world.

Anarchist Infoshop Opening in Dunedin, New Zealand

After several years (at least!) of people wanting an
infoshop/anarchist resource centre in Dunedin, a group
of us are setting up an infoshop and media space
called Black Star Books.

Anonymous Comrade writes:
Summary: Joint declaration of Montreal anarchist distributors on the antagonistic situation with the Alternative Bookshop. Critique of the exclusion of anarchists and the privatization of the building and this so-called anarchist bookshop. Removal of distibution material and autonomous distribution (Anarchist Kiosk).

Joint Declaration of the Anarchist Distributors in Montreal

October 27, 2003

MONTREAL—We make this declaration in order to clarify things and bring people up to date concerning the antagonistic situation that currently exists in the project commonly known as the "AEELI" (Association des espèces d’espaces libres et imaginaires (Association of Kinds of Free and Imaginary Spaces)), or the "OSBL" (Organisme sans but lucratif --Non-profit Organization--) and also including Librairie Alternative / Alternative Bookshop, and more generally, concerning anarchist and [left] libertarian distribution in Montreal.

Stuff it: The Video Essay in the Digital Age

Edited by Ursula Biemann for the Institute for Theory of Art and Design, Zurich

With the entry of documentarisms into the arts, the video essay, as a visual reflection on reality, has gained much attention in recent art debates. Moreover, due to its subjective, dissociative, and highly self-reflexive characteristics, this video genre has become a preferred visual medium for theoretical considerations regarding the major shifts taking place in visual culture.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

"Vietnam Killing Spree Revelations Shock US

Atrocity to Rival My Lai Is Exposed -- After 36 Years"

Paul Harris, The Observer, October 26, 2003

At the height of the Vietnam War, civilians were butchered by an army unit and the carnage was covered up. But this was not My Lai. This bloody massacre has only come to light in the past week -- and not one of America's elite corps of reporters can claim the credit.

Resources for Radicals #5

The fifth edition of Resources for Radicals, an annotated
bibliography of print resources for those involved in movements for
social transformation, is now available. Many of the new resources included
focus on responding to bullying and other examples of peer violence,
pacifism and effective non-violence, genetically modified foods and the
history of anarchism but R4R continues to be a smorgasbord of resources
that explores everything from the roots of the Middle east conflict to
concensus decision making to....?

ben@autonomedia.org writes:

"New Editions of Old Books! Radical Bookfairs! Vague Promises! Etc.!"


Hello, friends,

Just a few short announcements to make you get out your maps and compasses, and maybe check out a book or two...

Autonomedia's in attendance at THREE bookfairs in the next three weeks! Come to one or all of them -- they promise to be splendid affairs, the lot, and because I enjoy obsessiveness as much as the next guy, I'll gladly give a special award to anyone who DOES show up at all three. Here are the details:


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