Radical media, politics and culture.

Memefest 2004, Radical Communications Festival

Memefest 2004, Radical Communications Festival

Memefest, the international festival of radical communications, invites
undergraduate and graduate students in Communications Studies and
Sociology to look back to the dawn of the Information Age and respond to
the article, "Cyberwar is Coming." Penned in 1993 for the RAND
Corporation, this article coins terms like Cyberwar and Netwar and makes
predictions about how information will be used to sway public opinion,
pressure governments and corporations, and even wage war.The text of "Cyberwar is Coming" can be downloaded from the Memefest
website Memefest. Then, with ten years of hindsight under
your belt, consider the predictions the authors make. How have concepts
such as Cyberwar and Netwar manifested? How is society changing as a
result? What's on the horizon?

Memefest occurs 100% online at Memefest. All papers can
be submitted via our website and will be published in our online gallery.
Then, in the spring, entries will be evaluated by an international jury
composed of distinguished professors and artists as well as professionals
from the spheres of journalism, communications and social marketing. This
year's jury includes Douglas Rushkoff, Brian Holmes, PK Langshaw, Tanja
Rener, and Howard Rheingold.

There are two formats in which you can present your work:

1. Opinion piece: Present a personal approach to the problems presented
within the text. (5-7 pages with abstract)

2. Annotated academic article: Evaluate the Arquilla and Ronfeldt text in
light of recent academic work on the subject of information management and
control. You may either support or contest their claims. You may also
present original independent research on the issue. (5-7 pages with

Your work should be presented in conventional essay format and citations
should consistently follow one of the dominant social-science styles. On
the front page, include your name and surname, field of study, e-mail
address, the title of the article, an abstract of the article with

For instructions on how to submit and details about the competition, see
the Memefest website: Memefest

For more information or to ask questions about Memefest, contact