Radical media, politics and culture.

Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium, Havana, June 22-24, 2004

"Sixth Cuban International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium"

Havana, June 22-24, 2004

The Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau, with the support of the Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (the City Historian), HIVOS, ENET / ETECSA Cubasí Portal, and the collaboration of the Union of Cuban Artists and Writers (UNEAC), the Cuban Institute of Art and Cinema (ICAIC) and the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (National Fine Arts Museum), announces the VI Salón y Coloquio Internacional de Arte Digital (Sixth International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium) with the purpose of promoting artistic and cultural values created with new technologies.INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM Digital Art: Languages and Poetics

We invite you to participate in the International Colloquium that will be held on June 22-24 to discuss the scope and limitations of these new forms of artistic creation. Discussion will be based on the following topics:

Challenges and Techniques of Digital Art

Digital Art, Tradition and Originality

New Languages, New Subjects?

Papers should be sent before May 1st, 2004 to the Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau, using the form appearing


A US$ 50 fee is required from all participants in the International Colloquium. Participants from abroad will pay their inscription fee to the International Digital Art Colloquium at the Centro when the event begins.

Travel Arrangements

Artists, critics, professors, journalists, students and specialists from other countries interested in taking part on the Sixth International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium may make their arrangements through:

HAVANATUR Travel Agency

Tel.: (537) 203-9772 and 204-2054

Fax: (537) 204-2877 and 204-6037

e-mail: roman@cimex.com.cu

Or directly at

Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau

Calle de la Muralla No. 63 entre Oficios e Inquisidor, Habana Vieja, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba

Tele-fax: (537) 866-6585

E-mail: centropablo@cubarte.cult.cu

For more information, please visit these websites: