Radical media, politics and culture.

Helen Caldicott "Earth Day" Speaker in Staten Island

Alan Moore writes "Three Minutes to Midnight," Dr. Helen Caldicott speaks on the new nuclear danger in celebration of Earth Day at Wagner College Spiro Hall 2, Thursday, April 22 - 7-9 pm.
Admission free.
Event produced by Peace Action of Staten Island

A video screening on Wednesday, April 14 - 8 pm at the Muddy Cup coffeehouse of "If You Love This Planet," an academy award winning documentary of Dr. Caldicott, and the new film "Arsenal of Hypocrisy." This video screening honors Dr. Caldicott's visit to Staten Island.

Dr. Caldicott is founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, and a passionate advocate of citizen action to remedy the nuclear and environmental crises. For 30 years she has been campaigning internationally to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age, and the necessary changes in human behavior to stop environmental destruction.
Co-sponsors: American Chemical Society, the ACE program of Wagner College and the Staten Island Democratic Association. Info: 718-448-7502 www.peaceactionnewyorkstate.org/SI

Finally, on the Sunday following at the Unitarian Universalist Churc of Staten Island, Ruth Katz, director of Just Food, will speak on “Ethical Eating.” That's April 25, 10:45am-1pm, at the Earth Day service, 312 Fillmore Street (at Clinton Ave.
Service begins at 10:45 am. Hospitality at approximately 12pm, including presentations of Cook Shop food curriculum for schools and local farm food projects.

Just Food is a non-profit organization that works to develop a just and sustainable food system in the New York City region. They do this by fostering new marketing and food-growing opportunities that address the needs of regional, rural family farms, NYC community gardeners, and NYC communities. They build partnerships among diverse groups to advance dialogue and action on farming, hunger and nutrition. “Ethical Eating” is a concept developed by Holy Cross Fr. David Andrews.