Radical media, politics and culture.

NewNation Celebration Against RNC, New York City, July 24, 2004

NewNation Celebration Against RNC

New York City, July 24, 2004

Twelve hours of celebration and sedition,
libation and liberation, in the midst of
bliss and blasphemy we declare our
independence and build our newnation.

From 6pm to 6am, July 24th we will reclaim
the broken banks of Brooklyn. Hosted at
10 Jay St. in Dumbo, we have 60,000sqft of
outdoor space nestled against the East River
and 13,000sqft of brick caverns split into
several rooms of sound, performance and
spontaneous acts.This is the pre-invite and call to performers
to join us in building the newnation.

It's the summer of resistance and this event
is raising funds in support of art, media
and voter registration projects centered
around the Republican Convention Protests.
July 24th, we will demonstrate a world born
of bliss, justice, pleasure, art, sweaty limbs
of the night, raised fists of the fight.
Proceeds will go to the League of Pissed
Off Voters, and the protest media project "I am
New York City" built by www.counterconvention.org

Now is the time to erase the lines between our
subcultures and scenes, our havens and haunts,
our smallness and our infinite selves. Through
this summer of protest New York City is home to
an incredible movement. For this one night we
will envision our own newnation.

The full invite will be released by July 9th, in
the meantime performers and pleasuremakers, circus
freaks and fire breathers, activists and acolytes,
daredevils and dancers, voyeurs and visionaries,
accordion players and belly dancers, and anyone
with a skill or performance who would like to
participate, contact us and get involved:


For more information on various protest activities
happening throughout the summer leading up to the
Republican Convention Protests look to:
