Radical media, politics and culture.

Dissension Convention [RNC]

AFurtherBunny writes
Dissension Convention

A Transatlantic Collaborative Multimedia Protest Jam

29th August- 2nd September 2004


Coinciding with the Republican Convention in New York, 10 pairs of net/digital artists, from the Americas and Europe, will create live, online multimedia performances with a focus on how Bush negatively influences every locality around the world with his bullshit.

These will be projected at RNC NOD, Postmasters Gallery as well as by other appointed NY platforms in 'store windows, bars'

5 days of live mix performances, online in real-time from 29th August- 2nd September between 12noon and 6pm (NY time) via

Furtherfield's VisitorsStudio http://www.furtherstudio.org/live

If you are viewing from home you can visit versions mirrored on the artists' websites (check project URL for updates)

If you wish to mirror this event on your site please target this file http://www.furtherstudio.org/live/dissensionconven tion.swf"