Radical media, politics and culture.

South East Regional APOC Gathering, Asheville, March 25–27, 2005

2005 South East Regional APOC Gathering

Asheville, NC, March 5–27, 2005

Asheville APOC chapter

An Open Invitation to People of Color

APOC is an ongoing conversation between youths, elders, and others for revolutionary grassroots solutions for problem facing communities of color. The Asheville, NC chapter of APOC is planning a Southeastern regional gathering in Asheville, NC on March 25, 26 and 27 to be held at the University of North Carolina-Asheville campus. Room and board will be provided, we are planning to have a weekend of community building, skill and knowledge sharing, empowerment and FUN!

If people are interested in doing a workshop or facilitating or volunteering or help us organize let us know...help us make this a revolutionary event! and this will be POC only event.