Radical media, politics and culture.

"Shocking and Awful" Series Screenings, New York City

"Shocking and Awful: A Grassroots Response to

Series Screenings at MOMA starting Feb. 12, 2005

Deep Dish Television announces a MOMA screening of an installment of their
recently completed series "Shocking and Awful: A Grassroots Response to
War." "The Real Face of Occupation," featured among documentaries from around
the world, includes never-before-seen footage of the war in Iraq shot by
videographers David Martinez and Urban Hamid.Their work can also be seen
in Michael Moore’s "Fahrenheit 9/11." Martinez’s footage from Falluja is
being used to as key testimony in the World Tribunal on War Crimes in Iraq
which will take place in Istanbul this coming June. "The Real Face of
Occupation" was co-coordinated by producers Jacquie Soohen and Brandon
Jourdan for Deep Dish TV.

"The Real Face of Occupation" shows footage from March 2003 to April 2004.
From civilian testimony of a US military attack on a clearly marked
ambulance in Falluja to the destruction of sewage systems in Basra, the
daily struggle of Iraqis to meet their basic human needs is the focus of
this installment of the series. It is one of thirteen programs in the
"Shocking and Awful" series that comprises the work of over 100 independent
video activists from around the world. Other installments focus on the
cultural impact of the destruction of museums and archives in Iraq,
privatization of Iraq’s economy, the new era of “embedded” reporting, the
world tribunal on war crimes in Iraq and domestic and international
resistance to the American invasion and occupation of Iraq. Several
hundred community cable channels around the United States have carried the
shows, as well as Free Speech TV.

The first national satellite network to reach access channels, Deep Dish
TV was founded in 1986. It aims to produce thought-provoking programming
that educates viewers by showing them a perspective rarely seen on
mainstream news.


FEB 12, 5:15 "Real Face of Occupation" will be screened as part of a
fortnightly program on Art and Politics. Call 212 473 8933 for more