Radical media, politics and culture.


"Finance, Attention and Affect"

Christian Marazzi
London, June 2, 2005

Here are details of Christian Marazzi's talk at Goldsmiths in London. In case you
don't know his work, he's a Swiss Italian economist who used to be close
to the journals Zerowork and Primo Maggio and has had immense influence on
the debate over immaterial labour and language.

The Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process (CSISP),
Goldsmiths College, University of London, invites you to a session of the
Economies and Technologies of Affect seminar series, summer term.

Thursday 2nd June

4.30-6.00pm, Room 137, Main Building

Finance, Attention and Affect

Christian MarazziM

Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera
Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland

(Closest tube/train stops: New Cross/New Cross Gate)

Anonymous Comrade: writes

"Memorial Observance 2005"

New York City, May 29, 2005

New York City -- Veterans and military family members will conduct
a memorial observance on Sunday May 29th beginning at 1:00 PM at
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at 55 Water Street, at the end of
the FDR Drive, in lower Manhattan.

The program will start with an invocation by Joe Cross of the
Caddo Nation. Speakers include military family members Dante
Zappala and Debbie Anderson, and veterans David Cline, Alex
Ryabov, Greg Payton, and Ricky Singh. After laying a wreath at the
memorial, Iraq veterans and Gold Star family members will lead a
solemn and silent procession to the water's edge in Battery Park.
There participants are invited to cast flowers into the harbor in
memory of the dead, and to speak briefly about the nature and
meaning of their losses. The program will end with a rendition of

"This year again we see our soldiers fighting, killing, and dying
every day in Afghanistan and Iraq," observes David Cline. "We
ended the second world war sixty years ago. Now we have a third
world war, this time a campaign for global military domination by
our own government. We ended the American war in Vietnam thirty
years ago. Now we have once again sent our young men and women
into a brutal and pointless occupation of once sovereign nations,
which posed no military threat to the United States."

"I Know New Media Art When I See It"

The Art of Participation: Collaborative Mapping

Dr. Judith Rodenbeck and Trebor Scholz

Monday, May 16, 6:30pm

The Thing at Postmasters

459 West 19th Street,
New York, NY 10011

A lecture by Dr. Judith Rodenbeck and Trebor Scholz

Museum curators often frame new media art in modernist terms that attempt to
provide easy and familiar rules for institutional inclusion or exclusion.
Yet while many emerging participatory mapping projects can be experienced at
art festivals such as Transmediale, ISEA, and Ars Electronica, when it comes
to more traditional art institutions their validity as art is often
questioned. Emerging art needs new venues and old venues need a new
definition of art.

New Media Education and Its Discontents

Conference, Friday, May 6th, 2005

The Graduate Center, City University of New York

This conference is organized by the Institute for Distributed Creativity
in collaboration with The Graduate Center, CUNY.

Elebash Recital Hall

The Graduate Center

City University of New York

365 Fifth Avenue, New York City

Join us for an intensive one-day conference about new media education.
Connect with other new media researchers and educators, present and discuss
urgent topics in new media education, exchange syllabi or swap resources.
The conference will be podcast and live blogged. Bring your USB memory key
and laptop.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

"Anarchy in Montp"
Monday, May 23 from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.

a day of talks, panels, performances, and socializing at 4 Langdon Street
in Montpelier, Vermont

* 1:00 p.m.
A panel with Mark Laskey, Sean, and Kristin

In this panel, three working-class anarchists will share personal stories and ideas about coming to anarchism from a working-class background, and what it means -- if anything in particular -- to be a "working-class anarchist." This highly subjective panel hopes to be a spark that ignites a lively discussion among the audience about class, struggle, revolution, anarchism, and really anything we decide to get into.

New York City Benefit for

Made in Palestine

[Editor's Note: Made In Palestine showcases a collection of contemporary art made by 23 Palestinian artists and refugees, who live in the occupied territories and in the Diaspora. Using oil paintings, works on paper, video, sculpture, textile art, ceramics, and photography,
the works on display present individual reflections on the Palestinian
contemporary experience and the political situation, in Palestine.]

We are very excited and pleased to announce our next event -- Feast for
Falasteen --hosted by the very generous owners of Mamlouk restaurant in
the East Village. Mamlouk has given us the entire restaurant for one
night to raise money for Made In Palestine. The ticket buys you one of
the best Arabic meals in the city, everything include, Argila water-pipe
as well, and the entire price of the ticket will go towards bringing the
Made In Palestineart exhibit to New York. Cash bar available.

Feast for Falasteen
Monday, May 16, 7pm @ Mamlouk
211 E. 4th St. (btwn Ave. A and B)
Tickets: $60 ($50 for students), $100 Patron Tickets
All proceeds go toward bringing Made In Palestine to New York City!
Music by Dhafer Tawil and Johnny Farraj.
Slides of Made In Palestine will appear on the Mamlouk balcony.

Anarchist6913 writes
"The New York release party for the great new book Wobblies!, co-edited by Nicole Schulman, is set for next Friday at the new(ish) Vox Pop bookstore & coffeehouse in Flatbush, Brooklyn. Featuring multi-media presentations by: Mac McGill, Sabrina Jones, Tom Keough, Nicole Schulman and Seth Tobocman, it’s sure to be a great event. Come out, buy a book, and say hello.

Kit Bland writes
Friends of Freedom and FreeWheels

Please contact your City Council member immediately!

The U.S. Constitution is under attack in New York City. The City is refusing to grant permits for highly precedented peaceful demonstrations. According to the New York Times, The House Judiciary Committee this week has called for "immediate federal scrutiny" of "troubling reports" of police misconduct and perjury--including doctoring video footage-- in connection with the arrest and prosecution of hundreds of demonstrators during the Republican National Convention. The City has limited the number of permits granted for large gatherings in Central Park to six per year. And to date in 2005, nearly 60 bicyclists have been arrested while taking part in a peaceful monthly group bicycle ride––a legal ride that for ten years was escorted by the NYPD!

It is time to speak up. Still We Speak! is having a free speech rally this Friday night at Union Square South, 5:30 pm. We encourage anyone concerned about the erosion of the rights afforded them by the Constitution of the United States to attend the free speech rally; show the city that repression will not be tolerated. (After much stalling on the part of city officials, a permit has been granted for this event).

"Agonistic Friendship from the Ancient Greeks to Nietzsche"

Horst Hutter, New York, April 30, 2005

Friendship is universal but expresses itself variably in different cultural settings. Given our mobility, solitude, and uncertainty in advanced industrial societies, friendship is very different than the model offered to us by Plato and Aristotle. Dr. Hutter will explore Nietzsche's ideas of having 'beautiful enemies' and 'stellar friends' and how to avoid defective friendships, as well as negotiating the drives to serve some public good on the one hand and natural egoisms on the other.

Horst Hutter will be in New York City at the

Lower East Side Girls Club

51 East 1st Street @ 1st Avenue

6pm * Saturday April 30, 2005 * free

Refreshments. (more information: 646-413-9305)


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