Radical media, politics and culture.

Left Forum 2005, New York City, April 15-17, 2005

Anonymous Comrade writes:

Left Forum 2005
New York City, April 15–17, 2005

As many supporters of the Socialist Scholars Conference know, 7 of the 16 members of that conference's Board of Directors resigned last spring in protest of the lack of democratic and participatory governance procedures.

Nevertheless, we value the two decades-old tradition of the Socialist Scholars Conference and wish the remaining board members well. However, in response to numerous requests from individuals and organizations, we ourselves have decided to sponsor an event, a conference to be held at the CUNY Graduate Center on the weekend of April 15-17, and we are asking you and others to participate with us in this conference.Our conference will aim to address both theoretical and organizing issues on the left. We want especially to feature discussion of the concerns of movement activists. Our aim is a lively, concise, and intellectually challenging conference that will maintain the continuity of left intellectual traditions. At the same time, we want to organize a conference oriented to the problems confronting anti-imperialist and social justice movements, here and abroad.

Confirmed speakers include Tariq Ali, Barbara Ransby, David Harvey, Ralph Nader, Bill Fletcher. Jr., Ellen Meiksins Wood, Manning Marable, Peter Gowan, Michael Klare, Barbara Ehrenreich...

The coming year may well be decisive for the tradition of left gatherings in New York City. We want to preserve and expand that tradition, adding to its political diversity. We need your solidarity and support now. Donations of any amount are welcome, but gifts of $100 or more to Global Left Dialogue will entitle you to free admission to the Conference.

Stanley Aronowitz, Eric Canepa, Nancy Holmstrom, Manning Marable, Leith Mullings, Frances Fox Piven, Julia Wrigley

Tariq Ali, Robin Blackburn, Brecht Forum, Rose Brewer, Michael Brie, Renate Bridenthal, Stephen Brier, Stephen Eric Bronner, Paul Buhle, Joseph A. Buttigieg, Luciana Castellina, Center for the Study of Culture, Technology and Work Angela Dillard, Stephen Duncombe, Barbara Epstein, Hester Eisenstein, Deepa Fernandes, Héctor Figueroa, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Harriet Fraad, Josh Freeman, Barbara Garson, Marvin Gettleman, A. K. Gupta, Jack Hammond, David Harvey, Gerald Horne, Boris Kagarlitsky, Robin Kelley, Christine A. Kelly, Joanne Landy, Jesse Lemisch, Logos, Michael Löwy, Mahmood Mamdani, Randy Martin, Liz Mestres, Monthly Review, National Lawyers Guild, New Political Science, New Politics, Leo Panitch, Christian Parenti, Radical History, Radical Teacher, Barbara Ransby, Michael Ratner, Jan Rehmann, Gerardo Rénique, Rethinking Marxism AESA, Colin Robinson, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Nan Rubin, Science & Society, Stephen R. Shalom, Neil Smith, Social Text, Socialism and Democracy, Socialist Register, Souls, Hobart Spalding, William K. Tabb, Union for Radical Political Economics, Eleni Varikas, Victor Wallis, Ross Weiner, Joseph Wilson, Richard D. Wolff, Kent Worcester

We look forward to seeing you at the CUNY Graduate Center on April 15th.

Stanley Aronowitz
Eric Canepa
Nancy Holmstrom
Manning Marable
Leith Mullings
Frances Fox Piven
Julia Wrigley