Radical media, politics and culture.

Provflux Intervention Festival May 27-29th, 2005

Anonymous Comrade writes "CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

PSY-GEO-PROVFLUX, May 27-29th, 2005.
Providence, RI

Submissions Application and Guidelines

The Providence Initiative for Psychogeographic Studies (PIPS) is looking for experimental projects in contemporary urban exploration and public art. The Provflux hopes to attract a wide range of artists, thinkers, and explorers for a weekend of interventions and entertainment.

The projects can take any form, providing it engages contemporary notions of urban space and psychogeography. Public interventions, actions, installations, projects, videos, and documentation will all be considered.
All disciplines are encouraged to submit material. The deadline for proposals is April 15th, 2005.

Please visit: www.pipsworks.com for more information.
Or email: pipsworks@gmail.com"