Radical media, politics and culture.

Support Tent State University, April 18-24, 2005

Support Tent State University!

Education, Not War!

Campuses Across the USA, April 18–24, 2005

Across the United States, the right to a public higher education is systematically being denied to our communities. While $150+ billion has already been spent on the war in Iraq, our state and federal governments are systematically de-funding our institutions of higher learning. Tuition continues to skyrocket as the Bush administration wages criminal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is clear evidence of a devastating shift in national spending priorities for which our younger generations are paying dearly.During the week of April 18th through April 24th, university students, faculty, staff, as well as community activists, are building Tent State Universities (TSU) on college campuses across the country. TSU is more than just a protest. Symbolizing that fact the fact that higher education is losing its home in the U.S., TSU involves the creation of a grassroots-based alternative university that embodies the principles of equality and participatory democracy while serving as an organizing center to take back our world from the radical right minority.

During the week of April 18-24, stand in solidarity with TSU. Speak out against war and in defense of the right to an education. There are many ways you can help:

-- Send us a statement of support: andrea@tentstate.com

-- Submit our press release to your local paper/media:
Press Release

-- Send them a letter to the editor using our talking points: editorials

-- Organize a day of action in support of education and against war

-- Visit a TSU campus near to you: tentstateuniversity.com

Let us know you support us! Email andrea@tentstate.comandrea@tentstate.com to share what you have
done with the Tent State University participants. We will update the map on our
website here during the Tent States with descriptions of
all the Tent State activities happening.

The history of the United States, from the women's suffragist movement to the
civil rights movement, has involved the expansion of access to public higher
education. We mustn't let our generation's era be marked with its destruction.

Endorsed by United for Peace and Justice. Please forward this widely.

In solidarity and in support of the right to an education,
The TSU Staff of Rutgers University.