Radical media, politics and culture.

March 20 Iraq Invasion Anniversary Protests Planned Worldwide

March 20 Iraq Invasion Anniversary Protests Planned Worldwide

We are now eight days away from the one-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and organizing for the Global Day of Action has kicked into high gear. In addition to the major regional demonstration here in New York City, there are over 200 March 20 protests planned throughout the United States, plus demonstrations in more than 50 countries around the world.Organizing for March 20 is in full swing throughout the greater New York City area -- and there are lots of ways that you can help:


New leaflets are available at the United for Peace and Justice office and at distribution sites around the city. You can also download leaflets from our website and photocopy them yourself. (We have English and Spanish versions.) The weather forecast for this weekend calls for warm and sunny days -- perfect for getting out the word in your community about the March 20 protest.

* Where to pick up leaflets:


* Leaflets for downloading:



We urge you to sign up as a volunteer for the March 20 demonstration -- many of you have responded already, but we still need lots of help! There are many things that help make a demonstration like this one successful, including all of the work that volunteers do on that day:

* greet the people arriving by bus and train

* help collect money to cover the costs of the demo

* security and peacekeeping

* distribution of United for Peace and Justice posters and other materials

* medical and legal assistance


Saturday, March 13th 11 am - 1 pm

Washington Sq. Methodist Church

135 West 4th Street (between 6th Ave. and Washington Sq. Park)

Everyone will get an overview of the plans for the demonstration and there will be a review of all the volunteer needs before breaking into small groups for more detailed information and training. Please make every effort to come to this meeting...and then spend an hour or two leafleting with us.


Friday, March 12th at 6:30 pm

St. Mary's Church

521 West 126 Street (between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenues)

take the #1 or #9 subway train to 125th Street.

If you are interested in volunteering for security, please send an email to ufpj_marshals@yahoo.com

If you want to volunteer on March 20th but cannot make it to these trainings please call the UFPJ office, 212-868-5545. We will make sure you get all the information you need and are part of the volunteer teams at the demonstration. You can also join our volunteers email list by sending a blank message to nycvolunteers@unitedforpeace.org

If you can't make this Saturday's training, we have tentatively scheduled a final volunteers training for Wednesday, March 17, 6:30 pm, at 235 West 23rd Street (between 7th and 8th Avenue).


Our campaign to stop the use of pens by the NYC Police Department on March 20 is in full swing. Elected officials, religious leaders, and labor leaders and standing with us, and a public statement with their names will be released in the next day or two. Hundreds of phone calls and faxes are going to the Mayor and the Police Commissioner. Just today, The New York Times published an article about the controversy (see http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=2322 ).

Now is the time to intensify the grassroots outcry against this effort to limit our Constitutional right to assemble. Stand up for our right to engage in nonviolent protest without police interference!


** Contact both Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. Let them know you oppose the use of police pens to separate and contain protesters. They should publicly state that protesters will not be required to assemble inside barricades. Call or fax them TODAY!

Mayor Michael Bloomberg

phone: 212-788-3000

fax: 212-788-9711>

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly

phone: 646-610-5410

fax: 646-610-5865

** Spread this information far and wide...make sure people know about this situation and are also making these calls and sending in their faxes.

We do not know if we will be able to stop the police from using the barricades on March 20, but we do know that we must take a strong, unified stand about their use! And whatever the outcome of this effort is, whether the police use the pens to separate protesters or not, we are confident that March 20 will be a powerful day as people from many diverse communities come together to express our common concerns. Our strength is in both our diversity and our numbers.


Thanks so much to everyone who responded to our recent appeal for funds to support the organizing work for March 20, the Global Day of Action on the one-year anniversary of the Iraq War. Some of the expenses for this effort have grown, and so we hope you will give as generously as possible, as soon as possible. Please donate today by visiting http://www.unitedforpeace.org/donate or by calling 212-868-5545 to make a credit-card donation by phone.

* Get the most up-to-date logistical information about the regional
demonstration in NYC on March 20 at http://www.unitedforpeace.org/nyc

* Find out about March 20 events around the United States and the world at

* Join the March 20 day of action! List your community's event on the United
for Peace and Justice website at: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/calendar_gxinput.php

* Visit our website for leaflets that can be adapted for use in any community planning a March 20 event: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/mar20

* Find out about other activities leading up to March 20 at http://www.unitedforpeace.org