Radical media, politics and culture.

Global Party for a Human Planet, Addis Ababa

king4peace writes:

"Label Virtuel and the FIDH are producing a DVD showing the historical role of the Universal declaration of human rights and its impact today through the Global Party for a Human Planet.

It is a new campaign combining visual arts, music, multimedia and humanity in order to prevent and fight against a famine threatening 12 millions people in Ethiopia, with the ultimate aim of seeing "all human rights for all" applied.

All the proceeds of this DVD will go to Ethiopian human rights organizations.

Celebrating the release of this DVD , a concert will be organized in Ethiopia in Meskal Square, Addis Ababa's main square, and will be webcast live. This concert will be the occasion to bring in Ethiopia non Genetically modified seeds that are adapted to african soils, in partnership with Confederation Pyasanne.
Planet Generation Global Move