Radical media, politics and culture.

Fifth Annual Anarchist Bookfair & Festival of Anarchy, Montreal, May 15–16, 2004

Fifth Annual Anarchist Bookfair & Festival of Anarchy

Montreal, Saturday, May 15–16, 2004

10am to 6pm

2515, rue Delisle (near metro Lionel-Groulx)

The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair is the largest anarchist cultural
gathering in northeastern North America, and an important exchange of
anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas. The Bookfair is for anarchist and
non-anarchists alike, in English, French and Spanish, with participants
from all over North America and beyond.* FREE! * Mainspace wheelchair accessible *

* Childcare on site * Bring your kids! *

* Whisper translation available for workshops *

Bookfair Day (May 15) events include:

* MAIN BOOKFAIR ROOM: With over 75 booksellers, distributors, independent
presses and political groups from all over Montreal, Quebec and North
America, including guests from France. This is the heart of the Montreal
Anarchist Bookfair.

* WORKSHOP ROOMS: Six workshops for anyone interested or curious about
anarchism. The confirmed workshop topics on May 15 are:

* The History of Anarchism in Quebec (fr)

* Land and Freedom: The Eco-Anarchist Perspective (fr)

* Anarchists in the Russian Revolution (fr)

* An Introduction to Anarchism and Its Aspirations (en)

* Demanding the Impossible: The Theory and Practice of Anarchism (en)

* Anarchism and Deschooling: Getting Society out of School (en)

* FILM ROOM: All day showing of anarchist and independent films.
(Programme to be confirmed.)

* SOLIDARITY ROOM: Presentations from local organizations about
contemporary struggles for social justice, locally and internationally.
(Programme to be confirmed.)

a radical Walking Tour of the
St-Henri/Little Burgundy neighborhood, an interactive anarchist Mural
Project, Street Theatre performances, Sonic Resistance hands-on workshop,
and more.

The Bookfair will be followed on Sunday, May 16, at the same
location, by:

Demand the Impossible!:

A Day of Anarchist Workshops,
Panels and Presentations

SUNDAY, May 16, 2004

10:30am (sharp) to 5pm

2515, rue Delisle (near metro Lionel-Groulx)

* FREE! * Childcare on-site * * Whisper translation available for all
workshops * Only main floor is wheelchair accessible (2 of the 5 workshop

The day of workshops will include 21 presentations:

10:30am (sharp) to 12:30pm:

* Affinty Groups: A Method of Anarchist Action (fr)

* A Commemoration of the Life and Work of Daniel Guerin (fr),

* Anarcho-Surrealism in Canada (en)

* Anarchism and Iroquois Culture (en)

* Panel: No One Is Illegal (en)

12:30pm: Lunch break (food on-site)

* The History of the Anarchist Press in Quebec (fr)

* Anarchism in Struggle: Confronting Borders, States and Apartheid (fr)
* Panel: Anarchists Radicalizing their Workplace (fr)

* Bringing Down the Prisoner-Industrial Complex (en)

* (Anti-)Capitalist Globalization (en).


* Anarchism, Activism and Security Culture (fr)

* Panel: Anarchists Confronting the Charest Government (fr)

* Self-Determination Against the Nation-State (fr)

* Anarchist Workers' Cooperatives And Revolutionary Propaganda (en)

* Anarchist People of Colour Discussion and Strategy Workshop (en)

Please note: The MAIN BOOKFAIR ROOM will NOT be set up on Sunday, May 16,
but only on Saturday, May 15 between 10am-6pm. Sunday is dedicated to
anarchist-themed workshops, panels and presentations.


The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair is the largest anarchist cultural
gathering in northeastern North America, and an important exchange of
anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas. The Bookfair is for anarchist and
non-anarchists alike, in English, French and Spanish, with participants
from all over North America and beyond.

Anarchist Bookfair events include workshops, readings, films,
presentations, walking tours and much more. Once again, the Anarchist
Bookfair will be followed -- on Sunday, May 16 -- by a full day dedicated
to anarchist-themed workshops and presentations. As in the past, a
"Festival of Anarchy" will take place during the weeks preceeding the
Bookfair, with diverse events organized by anarchists and
anti-authoritarian groups.

Festival of Anarchy

The Anarchist Bookfair (May 15) and the Day of Workshops (May 16) are
preceded by various anarchist-themed events as part of the Festival of
Anarchy. The final Festival of Anarchy schedule will be confirmed this
week. The tentative schedule of events includes:

A20: Presentation on Anarchism at Cegep Montmorency (Laval), 1-3pm.

A20: Film Showing: L'an 2001 (en francais), 20h30 at the Cinematheque

A29: Benefit Show: El Salon, 4388 boulevard St-Laurent. 8:30pm

M1: Mayday March, with anarchist feeder march and contingent.

M2: Eco-radical Teach-in by Liberterre.

M5: Film showing at Cafe Chaos.

M9: Film showing of "Afro-Punk: The Rock&Roll Nigger Experience" and
"Forgotten Summer: Race Riots in 1919" at Cafe Petite Gaule.

M10: Film showing at Cafe Chaos.

M11: Poetry Night at Cafe Petite Gaule.

M13: "Anarchy and Music" Panel and Show at Cafe Petite Gaule.

M14: Opening Panel Event (more details forthcoming).


M15: Anarchist March on Westmount (6:30pm).


M16: Multimedia Event at Casa del Popolo.

M18: CLAC Assembly, L'X (182 Ste-Catherine East), 6pm.

M19: Film Evening by Les Lucioles at L'Alizee.


The bookfair needs volunteers. We need your help with publicity and
postering BEFORE the bookfair, and for tasks DURING the bookfair events.
If you can help, please contact us. If we don't respond within 3 days,
contact us again!

e-mail: anarchistbookfair@taktic.org AND :lombrenoire@tao.ca

telephone: 514-859-9090

post: Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

2033, boulevard St-Laurent

Montreal, Quebec