Radical media, politics and culture.

"Physiognomy of Origin" Conference, Sydney, May 5-7, 2005

"Physiognomy of Origin:

Multiplicities, Bodies and Radical Politics"

Sydney, May 5-7, 2005

Keynote speakers: Antonio Negri, Adriana Cavarero

This conference brings together two key figures in the contemporary reconsideration of the concept of origin. Radical theorist and activist, Antonio Negri has introduced a materialist perspective on the concept of origin through his investigations of constituent power and multitudes. Italian feminist philosopher, Adriana Cavarero has been engaged in reconceiving origin through the thought of sexual difference, an ethics of embodiment and more recently, the politics of vocal expression.In conversation with Negri and Cavarero, this conference reflects on the question of the physiognomy of origin. What forms does the concept of origin take as it progresses and changes? How does its changing character affect the constitution of life? What are the historical and (bio)political conditions of the transformation of origin? What are the sites of precariousness and potentiality to which this progression gives rise? How does the materiality of the origin disclose its inner character? And how does the concept of origin inform a conception of the human, in both its material and normative modes? Does embodiment necessarily entail a return to origin, or does the genealogical focus on conditions of emergence allow for alternative ways of understanding embodiment? In what ways can a democratic politics configure the social body to allow for diversity to take shape and qualify the powers of origin?

Call for papers:

"Physiognomy of Origin" is an interdisciplinary conference and invites papers from perspectives such as political theory, philosophy, anthropology, cultural studies, geography, European (and Italian) studies, sociology, literature, art history and theory, communication and performance studies, political economy, and gender studies. The event is also open to non-academic participants whose practice (creative and/or political) relates to the broad themes of the conference.

Submission abstracts should be approximately 300 words long, clearly describing the topic and aims of the paper. If your abstract is directed toward one of the themed panels, please indicate this clearly with the title of the panel. Your abstract should also include a biographical note, indicating current institutional affiliation and research/practice interests. Please also indicate whether audio-visual equipment will be required.

Themes to be addressed may include:

— biopolitics and potentiality

— sovereignty and states of exception

— constituent and constituted power

— labour mobility, political movements, and exodus

— creative labour and cognitive capitalism

— democracy and forms of life

— materiality and corporeality

— the politics of the voice

— biotechnology, genetics, and kinship

— modernity, multiple modernities and temporality

— metaphysics and post-metaphysical thought

In addition to open panels, submissions are also requested for two themed panels:

1. The first panel is entitled "Moods of Modernities", and is led by Andrew Benjamin. This panel addresses issues such as: temporalities of modernity, the time of bodies, times of lived experience, the time of moods.

2. The second panel is entitled "Spinoza and Politics", and is led by Genevieve Lloyd. This panel explores the bearing of Spinoza's philosophy on contemporary political issues, Australian and international. Potential topics include: changing attitudes to borders, refugees and asylum seekers, issues of "origin" and "belonging" in the relations between non-indigenous and indigenous peoples, and issues of rights, freedom and "security" after September 11.

The final date for the submission of abstracts is: 10th January 2005.

Please direct all submissions and enquiries to: timothy.rayner@rihss.usyd.edu.au

Further information will be made available on the conference website: here.

Organising Committee:

Paolo Bartoloni (Italian Studies, University of Sydney)

Craig Browne (Sociology, University of Sydney)

Catherine Mills (Philosophy, University of New South Wales)

Brett Neilson (Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney)

Timothy Rayner (Philosophy, University of Sydney)

Robert Sinnerbrink (Philosophy, Macquarie University)