Radical media, politics and culture.

"Going Public: Radical Resistance in Education" March 5, 2005

"Going Public: Radical Resistance in Education"

March 5, 2005, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

A Multi-Disciplinary Conference

Call for Presentations

The Department of Educational Leadership at Miami University is pleased to
announce the Fifth Annual Ohio Graduate Student and Faculty Conference on
Leadership, Culture, and Schooling. This conference is a multi-disciplinary
forum for graduate students to present their research and scholarship in the
leadership, culture, and schooling arena. Faculty collaboration and
participation in support of graduate student projects are encouraged. The
conference is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 5, 2005 at the
Marcum Center located on the Oxford Campus of Miami University.We invite any submissions that bring the question of culture to bear on
studies of leadership and education. We are especially interested this year
in presentations that raise the issue of resistance to dominant forms of
education. We hope to add to the analysis of oppression a dialogue on
strategies that offer constructive solutions and practices for resistance.
We welcome presentations from a variety of disciplines, that are
theoretically informed, and that engage diverse methodologies. We also
welcome panel submissions, which should include three papers or
presentations united by a common theme or focus. We encourage "round table"
formats to create synergistic dialogues among conference participants.

Please send an abstract of 200–300 words, with title and preferred format
to the Conference Coordinator's mailbox at the address below by Wednesday,
January 12, 2005. Submissions may be mailed or submitted via email
(reesr@muohio.edu). Participants will be notified no later than February 9,
2005. This information may also be viewed at our website:

A $25.00 registration fee will be assessed to all conference participants to
cover the cost of meals and conference materials. Conference coordinators
can assist with lodging as needed or reservations can be made at the
following locations:

Miami Inn—(513) 529-6911

Hampton Inn (Oxford)—(513) 524-0114

Best Western (Sycamore Inn, Oxford)—(513) 523-0000

Dr. Rich Rees

Conference Co-Coordinator

Department of Educational Leadership

McGuffey Hall, Room 304

Miami University

Oxford, OH 45056

Email: reesr@muohio.edu

(513) 529-1741 Office

(513) 529-1729 Fax